
In: Computer Science

**Use Python 3.7.4 *** 1. Ask the user for the number of hours worked, salary per...

**Use Python 3.7.4 ***

1. Ask the user for the number of hours worked, salary per hour and compute their salary. They will make 1.5 times salary for every hour over 40.  

2. Write a program that asks the user for red, green, and blue color mixture (3 inputs); all or nothing - you can decide how to do this (0/1), (0/255), (none/all), (...). Then based on the combination display the final color: (white - 111, red - 100, green - 010, blue - 001, cyan - 011, magenta - 101, yellow - 110, black - 000)

3. Write a program and asks user for a phone number with area code. Must be formatted like this, " (###)-###-#### " the program should say whether or not it is in the valid format.


Expert Solution

#------- ---------

#version python 3.7.4

def calc_wage(hours,hourPay):

if(hours<=0 or hourPay<=0):

return 0


return hours*hourPay


overtime = hours-40

overtime_pay = overtime * 1.5 *hourPay

main_pay = 40 * hourPay

total_pay = overtime_pay + main_pay

return total_pay

for i in range(3):

print("\nWage Calculation Test:",i+1)


hours = int(input("Enter No.of Hours worked : ").strip())

hourPay = float(input("Enter Pay per Hour : ").strip())

wage = calc_wage(hours,hourPay)

if(wage == 0):

print("\nInvalid hours or hourPay entered. Input must be postive >0")



except Exception as e:

print("\nError: Invalid Input")

#---------- ----------

def get_color_code(r,g,b):

if(r==1 and g == 1 and b == 1):

return "White"

elif(r==1 and g == 1 and b == 0):

return "Yellow"

elif(r==1 and g == 0 and b == 1):

return "Magneta"

elif(r==1 and g == 0 and b == 0):

return "Red"

elif(r==0 and g == 1 and b == 1):

return "Cyan"

elif(r==0 and g == 1 and b == 0):

return "Green"

elif(r==0 and g == 0 and b == 1):

return "Blue"

elif(r==0 and g == 0 and b == 0):

return "Black"

#function that sets boolean value into 0 or 1.

def bool_to_zero_one(val):

#by using == operator with True

#if user enters 0 then it will set to 0

#if user enters any other number it wil be set to 1

#in python 0 and False , 1 and True are same.

if(val == True):

return 1


return 0

for i in range(3):

print("\nColor Code Test:",i+1)


r = int(input("Enter r value(0/1): ").strip())

g = int(input("Enter g value(0/1): ").strip())

b = int(input("Enter b value(0/1): ").strip())

#considering 0/1 if user enters any value other than

#0/1 it will be converted to 0/1

r = bool_to_zero_one(r)

g = bool_to_zero_one(g)

b = bool_to_zero_one(b)

print("\nColor Code of %d%d%d is %s"%(r,g,b,get_color_code(r,g,b)))

except Exception as e:

print("\nError: Invalid Input")

#end of code.


import re

def is_valid_phone_number(num):

#create a regular expression that will be used to

#compare given phone number format.

reg = re.compile("[(]\d{3}[)]-\d{3}-\d{4}")

if(reg.match(num) is not None):

return True


return False

for i in range(3):

print("\nPhone Number Test:",i+1)


#input must be same format need to include parenthesis also.

num = input("Enter Phone Number of format(###)-###-#### : ").strip()


print(num,"is Valid Phone Number")


print(num,"is Invalid Phone Number")

except Exception as e:

print("\nError: Invalid Input")

#end of code.


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