
In: Computer Science

in java code Modify your program as follows: Ask the user for the number of hours...

in java code

Modify your program as follows:

  1. Ask the user for the number of hours worked in a week and the number of dependents as input, and then print out the same information as in the initial payroll assignment. Perform input validation to make sure the numbers entered by the user are reasonable (non-negative, not unusually large, etc).
  2. Let the calculations repeat for several employees until the user wishes to quit the program.

Remember: Use variables or named constants to store all numbers so that they can be changed later on if necessary.  Do not repeat calculations unnecessarily!  Test your program with different values for the variables to make sure it works in all scenarios!


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main
   public static void main(String args[])
       //variable to store per hour rate
       double hour_rate = 19.75;
       //variable to store overtime rate
       double overtime = 1.5;
       //variable to store social security tax
       double social_security_tax;
       //variable to store federal income tax
       double federal_income_tax;
       //variable to store state income tax
       double state_income_tax;
       //variable to store union dues
       double union_dues = 9.95;
       //variable to store health insurance
       double health_insurance;
       //variable to store working hours
       double working_hours;
       //variable to store overtime hours
       double overtime_hours;
       //variable to store number of dependents
       int dependents;
       //variable to store gross pay
       double gross_pay;
       //variable to store net pay
       double net_pay;
       Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
       //prompt for working hours
       System.out.print("Enter number of hours worked in the week: ");
       //reading working hours
       working_hours = Integer.parseInt(;
       //prompt for number of dependents
       System.out.print("Enter number of dependents: ");
       //reading number of dependents
       dependents = Integer.parseInt(;
       //if working hours less than or equals 40
       if(working_hours <= 40)
           //calculating gross pay
           gross_pay = working_hours * hour_rate;
       //if working hours greater than 40
           //calculating overtime hours
           overtime_hours = working_hours - 40;
           //assigns working hours as 40
           working_hours = 40;
           //calculating gross pay
           gross_pay = (working_hours * hour_rate) + (overtime_hours * hour_rate * overtime);
       //calculating social security tax
       social_security_tax = 0.07 * gross_pay;
       //calculating federal income tax
       federal_income_tax = 0.13 * gross_pay;
       //calculating state income tax
       state_income_tax = 0.06 * gross_pay;
       //if number of dependents greater than or equals 2
       if(dependents >= 2)
           //assigns health insurance as 25
           health_insurance = 25;
       //if number of dependents less than 2
           //assigns health insurance as 0
           health_insurance = 0;
       //calculating net pay
       net_pay = gross_pay - social_security_tax - federal_income_tax - state_income_tax - union_dues - health_insurance;
       //printing gross pay
       System.out.printf("Gross Pay: %.2f\n", gross_pay);
       //printing social security tax
       System.out.printf("Social Security Tax: %.2f\n", social_security_tax);
       //printing federal income tax
       System.out.printf("Federal Income Tax: %.2f\n", federal_income_tax);
       //printing state income tax
       System.out.printf("State Income Tax: %.2f\n", state_income_tax);
       //printing union dues
       System.out.printf("Union Dues: %.2f\n", union_dues);
       //printing health insurance
       System.out.printf("Health Insurance: %.2f\n", health_insurance);
       //printing net pay
       System.out.printf("Net Pay: %.2f\n", net_pay);


Expert Solution


For the user to enter the values and perform the program continuously without any breaks, an infinite while loop has been instigated to send a prompt to the user to continue or exit. If the user chose to continue the loop will be continued or it will be exited.

For the user input for the number of working hours per week, the hours shouldn't be negative and should be less than the total count of the hours in the week , which is 168 hours.

For the number of dependents also, the same is applicable.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main
   public static void main(String args[])

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

// infinite loop until the user decides to quit



System.out.println("Do u want to continue? enter 1 to continue enter 0 to exit")

int a=sc.nextInt();




       //variable to store per hour rate
       double hour_rate = 19.75;
       //variable to store overtime rate
       double overtime = 1.5;
       //variable to store social security tax
       double social_security_tax;
       //variable to store federal income tax
       double federal_income_tax;
       //variable to store state income tax
       double state_income_tax;
       //variable to store union dues
       double union_dues = 9.95;
       //variable to store health insurance
       double health_insurance;
       //variable to store working hours
       double working_hours;
       //variable to store overtime hours
       double overtime_hours;
       //variable to store number of dependents
       int dependents;
       //variable to store gross pay
       double gross_pay;
       //variable to store net pay
       double net_pay;
       //prompt for working hours
       System.out.print("Enter number of hours worked in the week: ");
       //reading working hours
       working_hours = Integer.parseInt(;

// validating the number of hours: the input should not be negative and not be greater than 168 hrs (24*7) per week logically

if(working_hours <0 || working_hours>168)




       //prompt for number of dependents
       System.out.print("Enter number of dependents: ");
       //reading number of dependents
       dependents = Integer.parseInt(;

// in order to break the large numbers and the negative numbers.

// if(dependents<0 or dependents>50)

       //if working hours less than or equals 40
       if(working_hours <= 40)
           //calculating gross pay
           gross_pay = working_hours * hour_rate;
       //if working hours greater than 40
           //calculating overtime hours
           overtime_hours = working_hours - 40;
           //assigns working hours as 40
           working_hours = 40;
           //calculating gross pay
           gross_pay = (working_hours * hour_rate) + (overtime_hours * hour_rate * overtime);
       //calculating social security tax
       social_security_tax = 0.07 * gross_pay;
       //calculating federal income tax
       federal_income_tax = 0.13 * gross_pay;
       //calculating state income tax
       state_income_tax = 0.06 * gross_pay;
       //if number of dependents greater than or equals 2
       if(dependents >= 2)
           //assigns health insurance as 25
           health_insurance = 25;
       //if number of dependents less than 2
           //assigns health insurance as 0
           health_insurance = 0;
       //calculating net pay
       net_pay = gross_pay - social_security_tax - federal_income_tax - state_income_tax - union_dues - health_insurance;
       //printing gross pay
       System.out.printf("Gross Pay: %.2f\n", gross_pay);
       //printing social security tax
       System.out.printf("Social Security Tax: %.2f\n", social_security_tax);
       //printing federal income tax
       System.out.printf("Federal Income Tax: %.2f\n", federal_income_tax);
       //printing state income tax
       System.out.printf("State Income Tax: %.2f\n", state_income_tax);
       //printing union dues
       System.out.printf("Union Dues: %.2f\n", union_dues);
       //printing health insurance
       System.out.printf("Health Insurance: %.2f\n", health_insurance);
       //printing net pay
       System.out.printf("Net Pay: %.2f\n", net_pay);


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