In: Operations Management
Define Work Related Attitudes below ( Plagiarism check, please don't copy and paste ) Minimum 500 Word. I will give you like once you're done.
Work related attitude is a tendency to evaluate the work on the basis of cluster of feelings, beliefs, and behavioural intention.Following are the work related attitude to evaluate in the organization or in workplace:
1) Job Satisfaction - How much a person is satisfied in there workplace from doing there job can also directly related to there attitude.Job satisfaction can be defined as a " positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of the employees job or from there experiences".It is process to evaluate the individual employee's satisfaction level in the organization by analyzing there attitude like:
So, by analyzing these can check how much any employee is satisfied in the organization.There are several components that are associated with the job satisfaction. are equitable compensation, ability to grow and responsibility required with the compensation.
2) Organizational Commitment - Organizational Commitment can be defined as the relative strength of an employee and individual's identification and the involvement in the organization.Under the Organizational Commitment the employee is identifies with a particular goals and wishes to be full-time part of the organization..
The dimension of Organizational Commitment we can say that:
So, organization commitment tells the employees massive loyalty toward there organization.
3) Involvement & Participation - Job involvement and job participation is defines as the degree to which the employee or the person identifies with a job actively participate in it and consider performance important for the self worth.Job involvement and job participation tells that how much person or individual is interested and committed to assigned task.This process don't tell the employees satisfaction level.but,only tells that the person is ready to participate in the work or not.
4) Psychological Ownership - Psychological Ownership tells about the employee that how he/she willing to do the task or the job by own.Psychological Ownership played a little part in the life of the employee to explain that how employee share ownership(ESO) can impact in there attitudes or behavior. Psychological Ownership is a state of mind in which individual feel the ownership.which may effect the employee attitude in the organization.