In: Computer Science
discuss the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society
In the past few decades there has been a revolution in computing and it indicates the technological growth. With the rapid growth of power and use of new information technologies has been declining cost of communications as a result of both competition and technological improvements. Today, innovations in computing field are having wide ranging effects across numerous domains of society. Policy makers are acting on issues involving economic productivity, property rights, privacy protection and affordability of accessing information. Choices that has been made now having long lasting consequences and attention must be paid to their social and economic impacts. One of the most significant outcome of computing over the Internet is probably electronic commerce, a new way of doing business. It may radically alter economic activities and social environment. It already affects large sectors like communications, retail and trade and finance. Possibilities to expand education and health services are there. Computing is affecting work by reducing the distance. Industries are changing their policies and geographic distribution of work significantly. Farms can outsource their manufacturing to other nations and rely on telecommunications to keep marketing. Computing also promote markets like forms of production and distribution. An infrastructure of computing and communication technology provide 24 hour access at low cost to any kind of price and product information desired by buyers. Removal of intermediaries would reduce the costs in the production and distribution value chain. E-commerce lowers information and transaction costs for operating on overseas markets and provides a cheap and efficient way to strengthen customer and supplier relationship. While e-commerce on the Internet offers the potential for global markets, certain factors such as language, transportation costs, local reputation differences in the cost and ease of access, attenuate this potential to a greater or lesser extent. Though setting up and maintaining an e-commerce website might be expensive but it is definitely less expensive to maintain than a physical store because it is always open and can be accessed by millions around the globe. Jobs are created and destroyed by technology, trade and organisational change. Advancement of computing field affects the craft of teaching by complementing rather eliminating traditional classroom instruction. Internet makes possible an large expansion in coverage and better delivery of instructions. Text can be combined with audio and video and now students can interact in real time via e mail and chats. The rapid increase in computing and communications power has raised considerable concern about privacy both in public and private sector. The ongoing computing revolution has numerous economic and social impacts on our society and requires social science investigation in order to manage its risks.