In: Operations Management
Major areas of discrimination law which requires reasonable accommodation:
1. Disabilities:
people with disabilities are required to be discriminated from others in order to provide them help to work in the organization. It is the biggest reason for the formulation of discrimination laws for reasonable accommodation.
For example, suppose we are going through the selection procedure, under which applicants are supposed to go through a written test. Here, the organization has the right to accommodate for those applicants who are visually impaired, and they can not go through written examination.
2. Gender: reasonable accommodation can also be based upon gender, and various discrimination can be done for women workforce in order to put them on ease to handle household as well as office.
Reasonable accommodation:
Reasonable accommodation means if we want to change something regarding a job or work environment in order to let the people with some disability work in a better way, then we can do so. The law gives us rights ( in certain and some specific circumstances only) to discriminate some employees and differentiate them from others, but that must be in bonafide to society. Here, we are talking about people with some disabilities, who can't be treated like other normal and healthy employees. The reason for discrimination must be justifiable.