In: Operations Management
1. Have you or anyone you know attended a communications seminar provided by an employer? If so, in what ways was it more or less effective than training that used other approaches?
2. Recount a situation you participated in or observed recently in which all elements of the communication model were successfully implemented and resulted in a shared message. Was the communication successful? What, if anything, might have improved communication between the sender and receiver?
3. Describe the behaviors of a person you know who predominately uses a passive communication style, one who uses an aggressive communication style, and one who uses an assertive communication style. How did each of those styles impact upon their dealings with customers and colleagues?
4. Assume that a customer returns an article of clothing or a household item for a refund or credit. Develop six queries a CSR might use in this situation that make use of each type of question: open, probing, closed, alternative choice, leading, and direct.
5. Describe your reaction to a business letter or e-mail message you’ve received recently that you perceived as having an inappropriate tone. In what ways was it insensitive? How did it make you feel?
1. Have you or anyone you know attended a communications seminar provided by an employer? If so, in what ways was it more or less effective than training that used other approaches?
Yes, I have attended communication seminar provided by my own employer in my previous employment.
More effective than training because:
1. Verbal Conveying: Seminars provide open environment for sharing thoughts and discussions. Presenting your arguments and being open to other’s point of view is a platform that communication seminar’s provide.
2. Nexus and Networking: Communication Seminar’s gives us opportunities to meet other people who share similar interests. They all share their live experiences and debate on certain related interesting topics. Meeting new people can offer encouragement and solution to handle challenges.
3. Subject Expert Knowledge: Presence of multiple experts at the communication seminar gives flow of information over a topic in depth and especially for people who do not enjoy reading too much or do not have time to attend multiple classes.
4. Revived Motivation: Doing something every day in a similar manner can lead to loose excitement towards your job or work. Communication seminar’s exchanging thoughts and experiences revives the motivation level of a person.
5. Improvising communication skills: Communication seminar’s being a two way communication channel between the speaker and the audience. Also, helps in improving the communication skills.
6. Meet your academic heroes: Communication seminar’s make us meet and interact with our academic heroes in real.
Less effective than training:
1. More Costly: Communication Seminars are more costly which includes travel cost, food cost, hotel cost etc.
2. Time consuming: People have to spend time away from their actual business and attend these seminars.
3. Disappointed attendees: Attendees expect too much from a communication seminar. There cannot be instant answer to every question.
4. Not a focused training: Debates and interactions can deviate from the real topic of training.