
In: Computer Science

Write a C program for the recursive algorithm that removes all occurrences of a specific character...

Write a C program for the recursive algorithm that removes all occurrences of a specific character from a string. (please comment the code)


Expert Solution

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void deletechar(char *s,char c)
   static int i=0,k=0; // for not creating again
if(!s[i])// if s[i] become null return
      s[i]=s[i+k];// store s[i+k] into s[i]
    if(s[i]==c)// check if s[i] equal to target character
       k++;//increase k to next index
       i--;// decrease i to previous index
   i++;// if not the target character increase i
   deletechar(s,c);// again call deletechar till s[i] reaches null   


int main()

char s[1000],c; // create string and variable c
printf("Enter the string : ");
gets(s); // get string
printf("Enter character: ");
c=getchar(); // get character to be deleted
deletechar(s,c); // call function
printf("string after removing all occurance of character :'%c'\n",c);
printf("%s",s); // print string after removing character
   return 0;

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