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Hi I am getting error in implement some test case using Java. I am adding my...

Hi I am getting error in implement some test case using Java. I am adding my code and relevant files here, and the failed test. Please let me know where my problem is occuring and fix my code. Thanks! I will upvote.

Implement a class to perform windowing of a Hounsfield value

Implement the class described by this API. A partial implementation is provided for you in the eclipse project; however, unlike the previous class, very little work has been done for you. You must carefully study the API of the class to determine the precise signatures of the constructors and methods that you need to implement. Furthermore, you need to thoroughly understand the concept of windowing to determine what fields are required in your class.

  1. Begin by deciding how many fields are required and what their types should be. Add these fields to your class (making sure that they each have a private access modifier) giving them a sensible name when you do so.
  2. Once you have added the fields to your class, implement the methods getLevel and getWidth. The JUnit tester requires these methods to test the constructors and other methods.
  3. Implement the constructor HounsfieldWindow(int level, int width) first. Make sure that it has the correct access modifier and signature.
  4. Implement the no-argument constructor HounsfieldWindow() next. Use constructor chaining to implement this constructor.
  5. Implement the remaining methods making sure that they each have the correct access modifier, signature, and return type.

Remember to run the JUnit tester each time you complete a constructor or method, and to carefully study the result of the tests to help you through the development process.

API doc:

* A class that represents a windowed view of Hounsfield units. A Hounsfield
* window is defined by two values: (1) the window level, and (2) the window
* width. The window level is the Hounsfield unit value that the window is
* centered on. The window width is the range of Hounsfield unit values that the
* window is focused on.

* A window has a lower and upper bound. The lower bound is defined as the
* window level minus half the window width:

* lo = level - (width / 2)

* The upper bound is defined as the window level plus half the window width:

* hi = level + (width / 2)

* Hounsfield units are mapped by the window to a real number in the range of
* {@code 0} to {@code 1}. A Hounsfield unit with a value less than lo is mapped
* to the value {@code 0}. A Hounsfield unit with a value greater than hi is
* mapped to the value {@code 1}. A Hounsfield unit with a value v between lo
* and hi is mapped to the value:

* (v - lo) / width
public class HounsfieldWindow {
   private int level;
   private int width;
   HounsfieldWindow(int level, int width) {
       this.width = width;
   public HounsfieldWindow() {
       this(0, 400);
   public int getLevel() {
       return level;
   public int setLevel(int level) {
       if (level < Hounsfield.MIN_VALUE || level > Hounsfield.MAX_VALUE) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException();
       int data = this.level;
       this.level = level;
       return data;
   public int getWidth() {
       return width;
   public int setWidth(int width) {
       if(width < 1) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException();
       int data = this.width;
       this.width = width;
       return data;
   public double getLowerBound() {
       return level - (width / 2);
   public double getUpperBound() {
   return level + (width / 2);

   public double map(Hounsfield h) {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       int hounsfieldUnitVal = h.get();
   System.out.println("got " + hounsfieldUnitVal);
   if(hounsfieldUnitVal < getLowerBound()) {
   return 0;
   if(hounsfieldUnitVal > getUpperBound()) {
   return 1;
   return (hounsfieldUnitVal - getLowerBound()) / (double)width;


Tests that fails:

   public void test04_ctorThrowsOnBadWidth() {
       final int[] BAD_WIDTHS = {-10000, -10, 0};
       for (int width : BAD_WIDTHS) {
           try {
               new HounsfieldWindow(0, width);
               fail(String.format("new HounsfieldWindow(0, %s) should throw an exception", width));
           catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
               // ok

   public void test10_map() {
       assumeTrue("test requires a correct implementation of HounsfieldWindow(int, int)", IS_CTOR_OK);
       // uses windows of width 1
       // easy to test because map should always return 0.5 for
       // Hounsfield values inside the window
       final int width = 1;

       for (int level = Hounsfield.MIN_VALUE; level <= Hounsfield.MAX_VALUE; level++) {
           // make a window to call map on
           HounsfieldWindow w = new HounsfieldWindow(level, width);

           // the actual value returned by map
           double got = Hounsfield(level));

           // make an error message in case the test fails
           String error = String.format(
                   "map(%s) failed to return the correct value for a window with level %s, width %s", level, level,

           // assert that 0.5 equals got
           assertEquals(error, 0.5, got, 1e-9);

   public void test11_map() {
       assumeTrue("test requires a correct implementation of HounsfieldWindow(int, int)", IS_CTOR_OK);
       // tests Hounsfield units in windows of various widths and levels
       final int[] WIDTH = {2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 255};
       final int[] LEVEL = {-800, -1, 1, 750};
       for (int level : LEVEL) {
           for (int width : WIDTH) {
               // make a window to call map on
               HounsfieldWindow w = new HounsfieldWindow(level, width);
               // expected values map should return
               double[] EXP = HounsfieldWindowTest.mapValues(width);
               for (int i = 0; i < EXP.length; i++) {
                   // Hounsfield unit to map
                   Hounsfield h = new Hounsfield(level - width / 2 + i);
                   // the expected return value of map(h)
                   double exp = EXP[i];
                   // the actual value returned by map(h)
                   double got =;
                   // make an error message in case the test fails
                   String error = String.format(
                           "map(%s) failed to return the correct value for a window with level %s, width %s", h.get(), level,

                   // assert that exp equals got
                   assertEquals(error, exp, got, 1e-9);

Relevant files( and


Expert Solution

You have not provide the Hounsfield class. Because of that I could not run the code. However I have gone through the class and fixed the code which may be causing the junits to fail.
I have fixed the 2 arg constructor to call setWidth() and also using 2.0 in getLowerBound() and getUpperBound(). Rest of the code seems to be correct.

Can you please check with the updated code given below and let me know through comments if you still see some issues. In case of issues, please provide the Hounsfield class in your google drive and post a comment. I will reply back to you. If the answer helped, please do rate it. Thank you.

* A class that represents a windowed view of Hounsfield units. A Hounsfield
* window is defined by two values: (1) the window level, and (2) the window
* width. The window level is the Hounsfield unit value that the window is
* centered on. The window width is the range of Hounsfield unit values that the
* window is focused on.

* A window has a lower and upper bound. The lower bound is defined as the
* window level minus half the window width:

* lo = level - (width / 2)

* The upper bound is defined as the window level plus half the window width:

* hi = level + (width / 2)

* Hounsfield units are mapped by the window to a real number in the range of
* {@code 0} to {@code 1}. A Hounsfield unit with a value less than lo is mapped
* to the value {@code 0}. A Hounsfield unit with a value greater than hi is
* mapped to the value {@code 1}. A Hounsfield unit with a value v between lo
* and hi is mapped to the value:

* (v - lo) / width
public class HounsfieldWindow {

   private int level;

   private int width;

   HounsfieldWindow(int level, int width) {

   public HounsfieldWindow() {
       this(0, 400);
   public int getLevel() {
       return level;

   public int setLevel(int level) {
       if (level < Hounsfield.MIN_VALUE || level > Hounsfield.MAX_VALUE) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException();
       int data = this.level;
       this.level = level;
       return data;

   public int getWidth() {
       return width;

   public int setWidth(int width) {
       if(width < 1) {
           throw new IllegalArgumentException();
       int data = this.width;
       this.width = width;
       return data;


   public double getLowerBound() {
       return level - (width / 2.0);
   public double getUpperBound() {
       return level + (width / 2.0));

   public double map(Hounsfield h) {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       int hounsfieldUnitVal = h.get();
       System.out.println("got " + hounsfieldUnitVal);
       if(hounsfieldUnitVal < getLowerBound()) {
           return 0;
       if(hounsfieldUnitVal > getUpperBound()) {
           return 1;
       return (hounsfieldUnitVal - getLowerBound()) / width;


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