In: Computer Science
For this program you will add and test 2 new member functions to the class in
//************************ intSLList.h ************************** // singly-linked list class to store integers #ifndef INT_LINKED_LIST #define INT_LINKED_LIST class IntSLLNode { public: IntSLLNode() { next = 0; } IntSLLNode(int el, IntSLLNode *ptr = 0) { info = el; next = ptr; } int info; IntSLLNode *next; }; class IntSLList { public: IntSLList() { head = tail = 0; } ~IntSLList(); int isEmpty() { return head == 0; } void addToHead(int); void addToTail(int); int deleteFromHead(); // delete the head and return its info; int deleteFromTail(); // delete the tail and return its info; void deleteNode(int); bool isInList(int) const; void printAll() const; private: IntSLLNode *head, *tail; }; #endif
The two member functions are:
insertByPosn(int el, int pos)
Assuming that the positions of elements of a list begin numbering at 1 and continue to the end of the list, you will insert a new node with info value el at position pos. pos will become the position of the new node in the modified list. For example, if pos = 1, insert the new node at the head of the list. If pos = 2, for example, insert the new node BEFORE the node currently at position 2. If the list is empty prior to insertion, insert the new node in the list and adjust head and tail pointers. If pos is too large, don't do anything. If pos is 0 or negative, don't do anything.
removeByPosn(int pos)
Assume position of elements are defined as above. If pos is zero or negative, do nothing. If the list is empty prior to the request to delete a node, do nothing. If pos is too large, do nothing.
To aid in verifying results, you should use the following modified version of printAll. This requires: #include <string>
void IntSLList::printAll(string locn) const {
cout << "Contents of the list " << locn << endl;
for (IntSLLNode *tmp = head; tmp != 0; tmp = tmp->next)
cout << tmp->info << " ";
if (head != 0)
cout << "Head is: " << head->info << " Tail is: " << tail->info << endl << endl;
For extra credit, you can also create the following:
Traverse the existing list beginning at the head and create a new (reversed) list with head newhead and tail newtail. Put new nodes in the new list by putting the new nodes at the head of the new list each time. Do not call any other member functions during this process. If the list to be reversed is empty, make sure that you account for this case. After the new (reversed) list is created, delete the old list using its destructor.
The test program to be used is:
int main()
IntSLList singly_linked_list = IntSLList();
singly_linked_list.printAll("at creation:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(8, 2);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after insertion of 8 at position 2:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(10, 4);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after insertion of 10 at position 4:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(12, 6);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after insertion of 12 at position 6:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(14, 8);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after attempted insertion of 14 at position 8:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(5, 1);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after insertion of 5 at position 1:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(4, 0);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after attempted insertion of 4 at position 0:");
singly_linked_list.printAll("after deletion of 6 at position 2:");
singly_linked_list.printAll("after deletion of 12 at position 6:");
singly_linked_list.printAll("after attempted deletion at position 10:");
// insert test for optional list reversal here
return (0);
The correct output from running the test program is:
Contents of the list at creation:
6 7 9 Head is: 6 Tail is: 9
Contents of the list after insertion of 8 at position 2:
6 8 7 9 Head is: 6 Tail is: 9
Contents of the list after insertion of 10 at position 4:
6 8 7 10 9 Head is: 6 Tail is: 9
Contents of the list after insertion of 12 at position 6:
6 8 7 10 9 12 Head is: 6 Tail is: 12
Contents of the list after attempted insertion of 14 at position 8:
6 8 7 10 9 12 Head is: 6 Tail is: 12
Contents of the list after insertion of 5 at position 1:
5 6 8 7 10 9 12 Head is: 5 Tail is: 12
Contents of the list after attempted insertion of 4 at position 0:
5 6 8 7 10 9 12 Head is: 5 Tail is: 12
Contents of the list after deletion of 6 at position 2:
5 8 7 10 9 12 Head is: 5 Tail is: 12
Contents of the list after deletion of 12 at position 6:
5 8 7 10 9 Head is: 5 Tail is: 9
Contents of the list after attempted deletion at position 10:
5 8 7 10 9 Head is: 5 Tail is: 9
C++ code : updated code is in bold text
// singly-linked list class to store integers
using namespace std;
class IntSLLNode {
IntSLLNode() {
next = 0;
IntSLLNode(int el, IntSLLNode *ptr = 0) {
info = el; next = ptr;
int info;
IntSLLNode *next;
class IntSLList {
IntSLList() {
head = tail = 0;
int isEmpty() {
return head == 0;
void addToHead(int);
void addToTail(int);
int deleteFromHead(); // delete the head and return
its info;
int deleteFromTail(); // delete the tail and return
its info;
void deleteNode(int);
bool isInList(int) const;
void printAll() const;
// new added member function
void insertByPosn(int el, int pos);
void removeByPosn(int pos);
IntSLList reverseList();
//for testing purpose
void printAll(string locn) const;
IntSLLNode *head, *tail;
void IntSLList::insertByPosn(int el, int pos)
// do nothing when position is zero or negative - do
// if (pos <= 0) return;
// create new node and point tmp pointer to
created node
IntSLLNode *tmp = new IntSLLNode(el, 0);
if (pos == 1)
//if linklist is empty. add first
node to list
//make head and tail both pointer
to point only node
if (head == 0)
head =
tail =
// if linklist is not empty add old
linklist after new node and
// update head to point new
tmp->next =
head =
// we can simply call addToHead
function but i'm not sure is it allowed here
// addToHead(el);
else if (pos>1)
IntSLLNode *find = head;
int i;
//move to node one before
for (i = 1; i < pos-1;
(find->next != 0) find = find->next;
// pos is too large we have not
reached to given position - do nothing
//if (i != (pos - 1))
if (i == (pos-1))
tmp->next =
find->next; // connect old "pos" node after new
node tmp --> "pos"node
find->next =
tmp; // connect new node
to "pos-1" node "pos-1" node -->
tmp --> "pos" node
//pos-1 is last
position then update to new pos element;
if (find ==
tail = tmp;
void IntSLList::removeByPosn(int pos)
// list is empty or position is zero or negative - do
if (head == 0 || pos <= 0) return;
// position is 1 then remove head
if (pos == 1)
IntSLLNode *tmp = head;
head = head->next;
if (head == 0) tail = 0; // if
updated list is empty than update tail
IntSLLNode *find = head;
int i;
//move to node one before
for (i = 1; i < pos - 1;
(find->next!= 0) find = find->next;
// pos is too large we have not
reached to given position - do nothing
//if (i != (pos - 1))
if (i == (pos -
//pos-1 is last
position then nothing to update
if (find ==
tail) return;
//"pos" node is tail node then update tail
if (find->next == tail) tail = find;
//"pos-1" node --> "pos" node --> "pos+1"
//"pos-1" node --> "pos+1" node
IntSLLNode *tmp = find->next;
find->next = find->next->next; //
connect old "pos-1" node to "pos+1"node
IntSLList IntSLList::reverseList()
IntSLList *reversed = new IntSLList();
// list is empty
if (head == 0) return (*reversed);
// single element list
IntSLLNode *tmp;
// create head node for reversed list
IntSLLNode *reversed_head = new
IntSLLNode(head->info, 0);
reversed->head = reversed_head;
reversed->tail = reversed_head;
// iterate from second element to last
for (tmp = head->next; tmp != 0; tmp =
// create a new node with next is
pointing to head of list
IntSLLNode *reversed_new = new
IntSLLNode(tmp->info, reversed->head);
// update head of list
reversed->head =
this->~IntSLList(); // deleting old list
return *reversed; // return object
of IntsLList
/******* following defination are just for compilation at my
you can update with you own defination ***/
void IntSLList::printAll(string locn) const {
cout << "Contents of the list " << locn
<< endl;
for (IntSLLNode *tmp = head; tmp != 0; tmp =
cout << tmp->info <<
" ";
if (head != 0)
cout << "Head is: " <<
head->info << " Tail is: " << tail->info <<
endl << endl;
void IntSLList::addToHead(int el)
// create new node and point tmp pointer to created
IntSLLNode *tmp = new IntSLLNode(el, 0);
//if linklist is empty. add first node to list
//make head and tail both pointer to point only
if (head == 0)
head = tmp;
tail = tmp;
// if linklist is not empty add old linklist after new
node and
// update head to point new node
tmp->next = head;
head = tmp;
void IntSLList::addToTail(int el)
// create new node and point tmp pointer to created
IntSLLNode *tmp = new IntSLLNode(el, 0);
//if linklist is empty. add first node to list
//make head and tail both pointer to point only
if (head == 0)
head = tmp;
tail = tmp;
// if linklist is not empty add new node end of old
linklist and
// update tail to point new node
tail->next = tmp;
tail = tmp;
int IntSLList::deleteFromHead() // delete the head and return
its info;
// empty list
if (head == 0) return -1; // not specified what we
need to return when it is empty
int temp = head->info; // store info of head
head = head->next; //
move head pointer to next node
if (head == 0) tail = 0;// if new list is empty then
change tail pointer also
return temp;
int IntSLList::deleteFromTail() // delete the tail and return its
if (tail == 0) return -1; // not specified
what we need to return when it is empty
int temp = tail->info; // store info of
tail pointer
if (head == tail) // only one node
head = 0;
tail = 0;
return temp;
// start from head and find node whose next node is
IntSLLNode *tmp;
for ( tmp= head; tmp->next == tail; tmp =
tmp->next = 0; // remove current
tail node;
tail = tmp; //
update tail to new last node
return temp;
void IntSLList::deleteNode(int el)
//empty list
if (head == 0) return;
//single node list
if (head->info == el)
head = 0;
tail = 0;
// start from head and find node whose next node's
info is el
// as we are looking at next node so tmp pointer will
only look for tail
IntSLLNode *tmp;
for (tmp = head; tmp != tail; tmp =
if (tmp->next->info ==
//remove middle
node by connecting directly to next to next node;
tmp->next =
//else not found
bool IntSLList::isInList(int el) const
IntSLLNode *tmp;
for (tmp = head; tmp != 0; tmp = tmp->next);
if (tmp->info == el) return
true; // element found
return false; // element not found
void IntSLList::printAll() const
for (IntSLLNode *tmp = head; tmp != 0; tmp =
cout << tmp->info <<
" ";
if (head != 0)
cout << "Head is: " <<
head->info << " Tail is: " << tail->info <<
endl << endl;
IntSLLNode *tmp1,*tmp = head;
while (tmp!=0)
tmp1 = tmp;
tmp = tmp->next; // move to next
delete(tmp1); //
delete previous node;
head = 0;
tail = 0;
using namespace std;
int main()
IntSLList singly_linked_list = IntSLList();
singly_linked_list.printAll("at creation:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(8, 2);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after insertion of 8 at
position 2:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(10, 4);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after insertion of 10 at
position 4:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(12, 6);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after insertion of 12 at
position 6:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(14, 8);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after attempted insertion
of 14 at position 8:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(5, 1);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after insertion of 5 at
position 1:");
singly_linked_list.insertByPosn(4, 0);
singly_linked_list.printAll("after attempted insertion
of 4 at position 0:");
singly_linked_list.printAll("after deletion of 6 at
position 2:");
singly_linked_list.printAll("after deletion of 12 at
position 6:");
singly_linked_list.printAll("after attempted deletion
at position 10:");
// added for reveresing linklist test
IntSLList reversed =
reversed.printAll("after reversing
return (0);
compile: g++ main.cpp intSLList.cpp
run: ./a.out