In: Nursing
Dear staff:
This is Yu.zhou. May anybody who is good at the Culture in Healthcare class help me with the questions below. Thank you, sincerely.
What was the cause of role loss many adult Hmong faced when they came to the U.S.? How does this loss affect their adjustment to America and how do the families adapt? Do you think this scenario is true of most immigrant and/or refugee populations? What are the American health system challenges to being culturally-informed and culturally-responsive to the needs of immigrant and/or refugee populations, particularly related to treating common conditions like post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
Hmong Culture:
Hmong people live in America faces a terrible life. Already, they are suffered a lot from the war still faces strange in the values and language of U.S country. So many cultural conflicts arise between Hmong and American culture. Hmong are mostly respected with the extended family which will not be seen in American Culture. The Hmong girls usually get married by the age of 13 which is against the U.S laws. Many of the immigrant teenagers are not fit with both of the Culture due to the culture gaps. The presence of racial tension and isolation leads to misunderstanding between the Hmong and Americans. The ignorance and not realizing of Hmong sacrifices during Vietnam war is the cause of role loss of Hmong adults.
Health issues:
The Health Professionals of the U.S facing challenges with the health issues of tuberculosis, splenomegaly, Hepatitis carrier, Cardiovascular diseases, Sudden Nocturnal death syndrome, Post-traumatic stress disorder, and Cancer present among the Hmong people. The Hmong refugee misunderstood with the difference between the traditional practices and U.S healthcare system. They usually practice the traditional method and comes to the hospital at the critical stage. Additionally, the socioeconomic status, geographical isolation, cultural shock, language are the obstacles to the Hmong people. They are unknown of preventive medicine.
American Health system Challenges:
Studies show that most of the refugees are suffered from depression and PTSD. The U.S health care system has offering mental screening program with a goal of treating the mental health issues of refugees. The patient will not wait for outside referral. Interpreter should be used for services. Follow-up care is imperative. But the healthcare system and care providers face the number of challenges in giving proper treatment. Hmong culture to be modified for better healthcare.