In: Computer Science
C program with int data field of stack (for inputs from 1 - 1000):
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_LEN 100 //it is the max length of the stack
//function to push elements to stack
//parameters: stack array, value to be pushed, pointer to stack top
//return: void
void push (int *stack, int value, int *stackTop){
///if the stack is full
if (*stackTop == MAX_LEN) {
printf("Stack is full.\n\n");
return ;
//increment the top of the stack
*stackTop = *stackTop +1;
//push the new value to stack
stack[*stackTop] = value;
printf("Pushed %d to stack\n\n", value);
//function to pop elements from stack
//parameters: stack array, pointer to stack top
//return: popped element
int pop (int *stack, int *stackTop) {
//if stack is empty
if ( *stackTop == -1) {
printf("Stack is Empty\n\n");
return -1 ;
int temp = stack[*stackTop] ;
//decrement the top of the stack
*stackTop = *stackTop -1;
//return the popped element
return temp ;
int main(){
int stack[5000];
int stackTop = -1 ;
int input = 0 ;
//take continuous input from user until a negative number is entered
printf("1) PUSH \n2) POP \nChoose an option to perform your task: ");
int op;
scanf("%d", &op);
if (op == 1) {
printf("Enter a number between 1 - 1000 (inclusive): ") ;
scanf("%d", &input) ;
//check is eneterd value is valid
if ( input >0 && input < 1001) {
push(stack, input, &stackTop);
//if its is negative
else if(input < 0) break;
//if its positive but out of range
else {
printf("Error: Number should be between 1 to 1000 (inclusive) \n\n");
else if (op == 2) {
int popped_elem = pop(stack, &stackTop);
if(popped_elem != -1){
printf("Popped %d from stack\n\n", popped_elem);
else {
printf("Invalid Choice. \n\n");
printf("You entered a negative number\nPoppping all elements from stack:\n");
//popping all elements from stack
while(stackTop > -1){
int popped_elem = pop(stack, &stackTop);
printf("%d\n", popped_elem);
printf("Now stack is empty!!\n");
C program with char data field of stack (for inputing your Name):
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_LEN 100 //it is the max length of the stack
//function to push elements to stack
//parameters: stack array, value to be pushed, pointer to stack top
//return: void
void push (char *stack, char value, int *stackTop){
// if stack is full
if (*stackTop == MAX_LEN) {
printf("Stack is full.\n\n");
return ;
//increment the top of the stack
*stackTop = *stackTop +1;
stack[*stackTop] = value;
printf("Pushed %c to stack\n\n", value);
//function to pop elements from stack
//parameters: stack array, pointer to stack top
//return: popped element
char pop (char *stack, int *stackTop) {
//if stack is empty
if ( *stackTop == -1) {
printf("Stack is Empty\n\n");
return '\0';
char temp = stack[*stackTop] ;
//decrement the top of the stack
*stackTop = *stackTop -1;
//return the popped element
return temp ;
int main(){
char stack[5000];
int stackTop = -1 ;
char input ;
//take continuous input from user until a negative number is entered
printf("1) PUSH \n2) POP \nChoose an option to perform your task: ");
int op;
scanf("%d", &op);
if (op == 1) {
printf("Enter a character(alphabet): ") ;
scanf("%c", &input) ;
// check if the input is an alphabet
if ( (input >= 65 && input < 91) || (input >= 97 && input < 123)) {
push(stack, input, &stackTop);
// if it is not an alphabet break the loop
else break;
// POP
else if (op == 2) {
char popped_elem = pop(stack, &stackTop);
if(popped_elem != '\0'){
printf("Popped %c from stack\n\n", popped_elem);
else {
printf("Invalid Choice. \n\n");
printf("You entered a n invalid character\nPoppping all elements from stack:\n");
//popping all elements from stack
while(stackTop > -1){
char popped_elem = pop(stack, &stackTop);
printf("%c\n", popped_elem);
printf("Now stack is empty!!\n");
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