
In: Computer Science

Please do it in C++. Please comment on the code, and comments detail the run time...

Please do it in C++.

Please comment on the code, and comments detail the run time in terms of total operations and Big O complexities.

1. Implement a class, SubstitutionCipher, with a constructor that takes a string with the 26 uppercase letters in an arbitrary order and uses that as the encoder for a cipher (that is, A is mapped to the first character of the parameter, B is mapped to the second, and so on.) Please derive the decoding map from the forward version.

2. Redesign the CaesarCipher class as a subclass of the SubstitutionCipher from the previous problem.

3. Design a RandomCipher class as a subclass of the SubstitutionCipher from number one so that each instance of the class relies on a random permutation of letters for its mapping.


Expert Solution



#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>

class SubstitutionCipher

static constexpr int MAX = 26;
std::vector<wchar_t> encoder; // Encryption array
std::vector<wchar_t> decoder; // Decryption array

* Constructor

* Sets the encoder string and generates the decoder
* @param encoderString
virtual void setEncoder(const std::wstring &encoderString);

* Returns String representing encrypted message.
virtual std::wstring encrypt(const std::wstring &message);

* Returns decrypted message given encrypted secret.
virtual std::wstring decrypt(const std::wstring &secret);

* Returns transformation of original String using given code.
std::wstring transform(const std::wstring &original, std::vector<wchar_t> &code);

static void main(std::vector<std::wstring> &args);


#include "SubstitutionCipher.h"

   this->encoder = std::vector<wchar_t>(MAX); // Encryption array
   this->decoder = std::vector<wchar_t>(MAX); // Decryption array

void SubstitutionCipher::setEncoder(const std::wstring &encoderString)
   this->encoder = std::vector<wchar_t>(encoderString.begin(), encoderString.end());

   // Generate decoder
   for (int i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
       wchar_t ch = static_cast<wchar_t>(L'A' + i); // For each iteration ch will hold a value from A - Z
       // Find ch in the encoderString
       int pos = (int)encoderString.find(ch);
       // If pos is not found display error
       if (pos == -1)
           std::wcout << L"Invalid encoder string" << std::endl;

       // If index is found
       // get the char at the pos in the original alphabet order
       // assign the char to decoder[i]
       this->decoder[i] = static_cast<wchar_t>(L'A' + pos);

std::wstring SubstitutionCipher::encrypt(const std::wstring &message)
   return transform(message, encoder); // use encoder array

std::wstring SubstitutionCipher::decrypt(const std::wstring &secret)
   return transform(secret, decoder); // use decoder array

std::wstring SubstitutionCipher::transform(const std::wstring &original, std::vector<wchar_t> &code)
   std::vector<wchar_t> msg(original.begin(), original.end());
   for (int k = 0; k < msg.size(); k++)
       if (std::isupper(msg[k]))
       { // we have a letter to change
           int j = msg[k] - L'A'; // will be value from 0 to 25
           msg[k] = code[j]; // replace the character
   return std::wstring(msg);

void SubstitutionCipher::main(std::vector<std::wstring> &args)

   std::wstring encoderString = std::wstring(L"SIEXHVGFUDJTRZNPCLQBKAYWOM");

   // Create SubstitutionCipher object
   SubstitutionCipher *subCipher = new SubstitutionCipher();
   // Set encoder

   std::wcout << L"Encryption code = " << std::wstring(subCipher->encoder) << std::endl;
   std::wcout << L"Decryption code = " << std::wstring(subCipher->decoder) << std::endl;
   std::wstring message = L"THE EAGLE IS IN PLAY; MEET AT JOE'S.";
   std::wstring coded = subCipher->encrypt(message);
   std::wcout << L"Secret: " << coded << std::endl;
   std::wstring answer = subCipher->decrypt(coded);
   std::wcout << L"Message: " << answer << std::endl;

   delete subCipher;


#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "SubstitutionCipher.h"

int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::vector<std::wstring> args(argv + 1, argv + argc);

Part 2


#include "SubstitutionCipher.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

class CaesarCipherRedesign : public SubstitutionCipher

* Constructor that initializes the encryption and decryption arrays
CaesarCipherRedesign(int rotation);

static void main(std::vector<std::wstring> &args);


#include "CaesarCipherRedesign.h"

CaesarCipherRedesign::CaesarCipherRedesign(int rotation)
   // For upper case
   for (int k = 0; k < 26; k++)
       encoder[k] = static_cast<wchar_t>(L'A' + (k + rotation) % SubstitutionCipher::MAX);

void CaesarCipherRedesign::main(std::vector<std::wstring> &args)
   CaesarCipher *cipher = new CaesarCipher(1);
   std::wcout << L"Encryption code = " << std::wstring(cipher->encoder) << std::endl;
   std::wcout << L"Decryption code = " << std::wstring(cipher->decoder) << std::endl;
   std::wstring message = L"THE EAGLE IS IN PLAY; MEET AT JOE'S.";
   std::wstring coded = cipher->encrypt(message);
   std::wcout << L"Secret: " << coded << std::endl;
   std::wstring answer = cipher->decrypt(coded);
   std::wcout << L"Message: " << answer << std::endl; // should be plain text again

   delete cipher;

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