
In: Psychology

I am doing a research paper about ''Lack of affordable mental health services'' and I need...

I am doing a research paper about ''Lack of affordable mental health services'' and I need help getting my brainstorming done.

Here are the following question I need to answer:

1. What is your topic? Why did you chose that topic?

2. Who will be the intended audience for your essay? What are some of the special considerations you need to keep in mind about this audience?

3. What tone will you use for this essay? Why this approach?

4. What types of evidence can you use to support your thesis? What are some supportiong ideas that will help you make an argument about your topic?


Expert Solution

1. What is your topic? Why did you choose that topic?

The topic I've chosen is 'Lack of affordable mental health services'. I've chosen this topic because it is of utmost importance in the current state of mental health in general. It is important that all of us are able to afford mental health care.

2. Who will be the intended audience for your essay? What are some of the special considerations you need to keep in mind about this audience?

The intended audience for my essay are the fellow budding psychologists. I'd also like to enlighten the importance of mental health care and how it is not adequate currently. The affordability of mental health care is low at the moment and if one belongs to an economically weak section in the society, one may not have the access to mental health care.

Some of the considerations I'd have to keep in mind are the facilities available currently but the ignorance on our part. A need for awareness of existing solutions and agencies and the kind of illnesses that need to be considered as part of basic or advanced health care as it may be defined.

3. What tone will you use for this essay? Why this approach?

I've decided to use a <comparitive/ analytical/ statistical> tone for the essay.

*Based on the tone used, it can be justified.

Comparative: Comparisons between your research and others writers' or researchers' work.
Analytical - Assessment and comment on existing materials along with new material identified by you.
Statistical - Based on data collected over a period of time.

Original research - Using selected samples for the specific research and coming up with the hypothesis.

4. What types of evidence can you use to support your thesis? What are some supporting ideas that will help you make an argument about your topic?

*Evidences should be listed based on the type of essay that you choose to do. (Inclusive of research papers, articles, other citations).

The supporting ideas that will help me make an argument about the need for better healthcare <are to be cited using the citation method suggested by your study program or you can cite by putting the reference followed by (Last Name, Year of Publication, p.Page number)>

Use of quotations and other supporting artefacts that support the hypothesis should also be mentioned.

CITATION: "Structural Alterations within Cerebellar Circuitry are Associated with General Liability for Common Mental Disorders," Adrienne L. Romer, Annchen R. Knodt, Renate Houts, Bartholomew D. Brigidi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Avshalom Caspi and Ahmad R. Hariri. Molecular Psychiatry, April 11, 2017. DOI: 10.1038/MP.2017.57"

*Italicized sentences are to be filled out by the student based on the references/materials that they refer/use to write the actual essay.

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