
In: Accounting

I am doing a research paper about consolidated financial statements for public schools (colleges and universitiees)....

I am doing a research paper about consolidated financial statements for public schools (colleges and universitiees). What is the correlation between public universities raising tuition fees and potential students of diverse backgrounds wanting to attend their schools?


Expert Solution

1. The correlation between public universities raising tuition fees and potential students of diverse backgrounds wanting to attend their schools is on account of the following:

a) Many times, the students and parents equate price with equality. The parents feel that if they don't afford that much price, they might be less attractive to students.

b) Parents and students feel higher the tuition fees, higher the earning opportunities in future when college is done.

c) Demand for higher education has grown across the globe. Jobs offered today are demanding higher education degree as a recruitment requirement.

d) Every country might not have higher education levels. Thus students prefer to travel to those countries which have higher education levels and thus willing to pay for the increased tuition fees.

e) Rise is tuition fees is on account of inflation, though major universities have increased the tuition fees, the net price which is tuition fees - scholarships and other grants has not increased in real dollar terms for public universities. Thus, the rate of students opting for such colleges is still high.

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