In: Operations Management
could the Civil War have been avoided? include the influence of at least one cultural, political, economic, or social movement on whether or not the Civil War was avoidable
The civil war could not have been avoided. Majority of historians have effectively noted, historically speaking,, it's difficult to envision what additional compromise was accessible when the war broke out, other than the South choosing not to withdraw or attack fort Sumter and consequently accepting the possible abrogation of slavery. It's not as though Congress did not put effort. Earlier decades had seen various trade-off attempts, including most broadly the Missouri Compromise of 1820.
Morally speaking, Kelly's remarks could be taken to infer that the North ought to have compromised with the South on the issue of abolishing slavery; a repellent perspective that one would trust Kelly would renounce. However the debate likewise brings up authentic issues relating with the Republic itself. Without a tradeoff on the issue of slavery, there would've been no U.S. Constitution. What were the composers considering? Also, was their trade off reasonable?
The biggest issue is that the Southern states would not have sanctioned an abolitionist Constitution. Nor did Northerners, including the individuals who personally and entirely opposed slavery, call for national liberation amid the 1787 Philadelphia convention.
Another fundamental driver of the war was the election of Abraham Lincoln as President. The Southern states did not support him, and many historians say that he supported the Northern States. While some argue that the solution for this issue would have been to impugn President Lincoln and supplant him with somebody who couldn't have cared less about the Union or Confederate States. However, this is misguided due to the fact that it was not only impossible, but also detrimental to the whole situation. The fact at the southern states did not support him does not in any way meant that had no support. Impeaching him was impossible
Many scholars would say that the civil war was inevitable, this is true. The Civil War could not have been avoided.