In: Computer Science
Project: Use SMTP to send an email
1. Start a connection
2. Say hello to the server
helo networking
3. Login request
auth login
4. Input username
For example,
Plaintext: networkingtest2018
BASE64: bmV0d29ya2luZ3Rlc3QyMDE4
5. Input password
BASE64: Your passwordxxxxxx
after inputting your password, you will see
means you have already logged in.
6. Input sender and receiver’s information
, which
Note that go to to find the
encoded BASE64 phrase of your username and password.
7. Start drafting your email by typing data
8. Write your email
9. Finish writing your email and send.
If you want to finish writing, enter an enter to have a new line and input a dot.
10. Log out by inputting a quit
These attachments indicates the BASE 64 phrases of Username and Password of the following SMTP Mail.
That is, Encoded BASE 64 phrases of Username and