
In: Computer Science

Summary In this lab, you will make additions to a C++ program that is provided. The...


In this lab, you will make additions to a C++ program that is provided. The program is a guessing game. A random number between 1 and 10 is generated in the program. The user enters a number between 1 and 10, trying to guess the correct number.

If the user guesses correctly, the program congratulates the user, and then the loop that controls guessing numbers exits; otherwise, the program asks the user if he or she wants to guess again. If the user enters a "Y", he or she can guess again. If the user enters "N", the loop exits. You can see that the "Y" or an "N" is the sentinel value that controls the loop.

Note that the entire program has been written for you. You need to add code that validates correct input, which is "Y" or "N", when the user is asked if he or she wants to guess a number, and a number in the range of 1 through 10 when the user is asked to guess a number.


  1. Ensure the source code file named GuessNumber.cpp is open in the code editor.

  2. Write loops that validate input at all places in the code where the user is asked to provide input. Comments have been included in the code to help you identify where these loops should be written.

  3. Execute the program by clicking the Run button. See if you can guess the randomly generated number. Execute the program several times to see if the random number changes. Also, test the program to verify that incorrect input is handled correctly. On your best attempt, how many guesses did you have to take to guess the correct number?

  4. // GuessNumber.cpp - This program allows a user to guess a number between 1 and 10.
    // Input: User guesses numbers until they get it right
    // Output: Tells users if they are right or wrong

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <ctime>
    using namespace std;

    int main()
    int number;    // Number to be guessed
    int userNumber;   // User's guess
    string keepGoing; // Contains a "Y" or "N" determining if the user wants to continue

    // This is the work done in the detailLoop() function
    number = (rand() % 10) + 1; // Generate random number
    // Prime the loop
    cout << "Do you want to guess a number? Enter Y or N: ";
    cin >> keepGoing;

    // Validate input

    // Enter loop if they want to play
    while(keepGoing == "Y")
    // Get user's guess
    cout << "I'm thinking of a number. .\n Try to guess by entering a number between 1 and 10: ";
    cin >> userNumber;
    // Validate input

    // Test to see if the user guessed correctly
    if(userNumber == number)
    keepGoing = "N";
    cout << "You are a genius. That's correct!";
    cout << "That's not correct. Do you want to guess again? Enter Y or N: ";
    cin >> keepGoing;
    // Validate input

    } // End of while loop
    return 0;
    } // End of main()


Expert Solution

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// GuessNumber.cpp - This program allows a user to guess a number between 1 and 10.

// Input: User guesses numbers until they get it right

// Output: Tells users if they are right or wrong

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <cstdlib>

#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

int main()


    int number;       // Number to be guessed

    int userNumber;   // User's guess

    string keepGoing; // Contains a "Y" or "N" determining if the user wants to continue

    // This is the work done in the detailLoop() function


    number = (rand() % 10) + 1; // Generate random number

    // Prime the loop

    cout << "Do you want to guess a number? Enter Y or N: ";

    cin >> keepGoing;

    // Validate input

    while (keepGoing != "Y" && keepGoing != "N")


        cout << "Invalid! choose only Y or N! Re-enter: ";

        cin >> keepGoing;


    // Enter loop if they want to play

    while (keepGoing == "Y")


        // Get user's guess

        cout << "I'm thinking of a number. .\n Try to guess by entering a number between 1 and 10: ";

        cin >> userNumber;

        // Validate input

        while (userNumber < 1 || userNumber > 10)


            cout << "Invalid number! Please enter between 1 and 10. Re-enter: ";

            cin >> userNumber;


        // Test to see if the user guessed correctly

        if (userNumber == number)


            keepGoing = "N";

            cout << "You are a genius. That's correct!";




            cout << "That's not correct. Do you want to guess again? Enter Y or N: ";

            cin >> keepGoing;

            // Validate input

            while (keepGoing != "Y" && keepGoing != "N")


                cout << "Invalid! choose only Y or N! Re-enter: ";

                cin >> keepGoing;



    } // End of while loop

    return 0;

} // End of main()

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