
In: Computer Science

Design and implement a function with two input parameters, A and B. The functions then calculates...

Design and implement a function with two input parameters, A and B. The functions then calculates the result of the floor division of A over B (A//B). You are not allowed to use the floor division operator. Look at here: - For instance the function for 20 and 6 will return 3.


Expert Solution


To calculate Ceil without using ceil() a function is created and in that we will use '/' operator between the 2 values and it will give us the ceil value.

Code is as follows:-

#include <iostream>

#include <bits/stdc++.h>             // Header Files

using namespace std;

int calculateCeil(int a, int b) {              // Function accepting two args. and calculating Ceil without using ceil()

    int ans = a/b;                            // Variable storing the ceil value

    return ans;


//Driver Function

int main() {

    int a = 20;

    int b = 6;

    int ans = calculateCeil(a,b);        // Calling the function to calculate ceil value and passing a & b as argument

    cout<<"Ceil Value is : "<<ans;              // Printing the ceil value




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