In: Operations Management
Discuss how equal employment opportunity (EEO) influences HR decision making as it relates to compensation.
EEO that is Equal Employement Opportunity is the law and the principle that states that every individual working in the organsiation has the equal right to access the resources and opportunities based on their merit without any fear of harassment or discrimination. Many HR decisions are being influenced as it is directly related to the compensation as follows:
1. Inclusion: One of the biggest HR decision being influenced is the inclusion factor. Considering this EEO system, a HR manager is obligated and has to include people in various training and development sessions to make the skill of the person upgraded and grow where people can have the same access to resources now being it both monetory or non moentory.
2. Diversity: HR decisions should also be now made in regard to the diversified employees section. A HR can't simply make a decision saying if this is a women and this is a man, a man should get more pay because of gender bias. Becayse of EEO, now every diversity has to respected and take care of that everyone gets the same opportunity and resources as their contribution.
3. Incentives and Culture: At last, the incentive and culture factor also intluence the HR decisions. Now because of this EEO system, one cannot easily decide the incentive provided to employees. Every employee should deserve the incentive not because of their bias but the hardwork and productivity one has paid. The organisational culture should promote equality and initiatives which is again a HR decision to develop a sense of equality within people and organisation.