In: Psychology
For this discussion board I want you to give a close read of the two different perspectives presented under the heading “Who Rules the United States?” So, you will read about functionalism or pluralism and conflict theory or the power elite. Offer an overview of the functionalist perspective and the conflict perspective about who rules the United States. Start with definitions that are pertinent according to your text. Make sure to cite and reference using APA style. Then, explain how each of the perspectives could in fact be correct. Offer evidence or examples that show how correct the perspective is. Finally, which perspective makes the most sense to you and why?
Two major perspective on “Who Rules the United States?”
Functionalist perspective
The functionalist perspective, additionally known as functionalism, is one among the most important theoretical views in social science. Functionalism interprets each part of society in terms of how it contributes to the steadiness of the full society. Society is quite the sum of its parts; rather, every part of society is useful for the steadiness of the whole. The functionalist perspective emphasizes the interconnection of society by focusing on how every part influences and is influenced by alternative elements. as an example, the rise in singleparentand dual-earner families has contributed to the amount of kids who are failing in school as a result of parents became less accessible to supervise their children’s school assignment. As a result of changes in technology, faculties are giving additional technical programs, and plenty of adultsare returning to high school to learn new skills that are needed in the workplace unctionalism has received criticism for neglecting the negative functions of an incident, like divorce. Critics additionally claim that the attitude justifies the established order and self-complacency on the a part of society's members. Functionalism doesn't encourage individuals to require an active role in changing their social surroundings, even once such modification might profit them. Instead, functionalism sees active social change as undesirable as a result of the varied elements of society can compensate naturally for any issues that will arise.
Conflict theory perspective
Conflict theory states that tensions and conflicts arise once resources, status, and power are inconsistently distributed between groups in society ,during this context, power may be understood as control of material resources and accumulated wealth, control of politics and therefore the institutions that compose society, according to conflict theory, social issues are created once dominant groups exploit or oppress subordinate groups. Therefore, their approach is normative in this it prescribes changes to the facility structure, advocating a balance of power between genders. Even additional trendy conflict theorists stress the ability of the have-nots against the haves. In any society, conflict theorists argue that there's the potential for revolutionary conflict because the few in power maintain management over the numerous out of it.
Critique view of conflict perspective
Critics of the conflict perspective point to its excessively negative view of society. the speculation ultimately attributes humanitarian efforts, altruism, democracy, civil rights, and alternative positive aspects of society to capitalistic styles to regulate the plenty,e to not inherent interests in conserving society and social order.
Critique view of funcyionalist perspective
Functionalism has received criticism for neglecting the negative functions of an incident like divorce. Critics additionally claim that the attitude justifies the established order and self-complacency on the a part of society's members. Functionalism doesn't encourage individuals to require an active role in dynamical their social surroundings, even once such modification might profit them. Instead, functionalism sees active social change as undesirable as a result of the assorted elements of society can compensate naturally for any issues that will arise.
To conclude, we are able to observe that each 2 views had their insight and criticisms. thanks to the societies are quickly changing in today, thus it's hardly appropriate to use within the each completely different societies.