In: Computer Science
1. How does eBay’s original business model contrast with its current business model?
1)The eBay's original model was introduced as the virtue market entity that allowed the customers to sell the goods and services. On the other hand, the current business model is enhancing the experience of the original model by introducing the forum, where only the potential buyers and sellers could engage in advanced dialogs.
2) The original model was evolved into business model that connected people compared to the concept of direct selling of products to the valued customer. On the other hand, in current business model buyers can refer services from associate online platforms in addition to the buyer protection program.
3) The original model was mainly focused on advertising, auction, transaction revenue model that comprised of high listing fee and low sales income. On the other hand, the current business model developed the original model by improving the advertising and the transaction revenue model which will not allows free listing fee and increased sales commission.