In: Nursing
1. List five opportunities for developing networks or collaborative partnerships to meet a specific client, personal, or professional need. CHCPRP001
Collaboration, partnerships, and networks can be powerful mechanisms for supporting the changes Identify networking and collaboration needs and opportunities
Opportunity to meet specific professional needs
1.Evaluate the ways in which individual and organisation performance may be improved through collaboration
1.a Identify and prioritise organisation and individual needs
1.b Identify gaps in networks and collaborative practice and identify required action to fill the gap
2. Develop collaboration strategies
2.a Gather and review information about relevant services, organisations and key people
2.b Pro-actively initiate relationships with other inter and intra sectoral professionals and organisations
2.c Share information and resources, where possible, with other organisations to overcome duplication in service delivery
2.d Maintain currency and accessibility of information
2.e Define and document the type and level of collaboration, and negotiate with the relevant people
3. Work collaboratively
3.a Identify opportunities that meet client, personal and organisation goals
3.b Plan and implement integrated projects and service delivery
3.c Liaise with staff from relevant organisations on a formal and informal basis
4. Represent the organisation
4.a Promote a positive image of the organisation at available opportunities
4.b Communicate issues, policies and practices of the organisation in appropriate formats
4.c Implement confidentiality measures that protect client, organisation and network
5. Maintain and enhance networks and collaborative partnerships
5.a Maintain networks and other work relationships to provide identifiable benefits for clients and the organisation
5.b Improve and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
5.c Monitor benefits to worker, organisation and client group in ongoing participation