In: Finance
Explain the key ideas to be kept in mind before moving from part-time to full-time entrepreneurship.
There are many factors that must be keep in mind while moving form part-time to full-time and the points are mentioned below :
1.) Entrepreneurs must make a plan from moving to part time to full time and moving to full-time the entrepreneur have take many risk such as he to leave the main source of earning and dedicate himself to the entrepreneurship work as full time and full-time can be flexible hours because it depends on the person to person to decide the hours for the work, ideally the full time shift is of 9 -10 hours a day.
2.) Entrepreneurs working as part-time must know that they should give their customers with great services and for that purpose they have to put more time on work and their clients may feel also that you are not providing enough services to the existing clients.
3.) Before moving to full time business, an entrepreneurs must access the information regarding the competition and supply for the Customers, who are ready to buy their product or services with no time lag.
4.) And, Entrepreneur must set aside a large amount of money to continue for atleast six month for the development of their business and for becoming a good competitor and an entrepreneur may even work night also and must be fully concentrated on the development of business full time.