16. upon recognition of pathogen, b cells will trigger
a.antibody production and formation of memory cells
b. cell destruction via cytotoxic t cells
c. inflammation and interferon cascades
d. all of the above
17. an infected body cell will display __ and be recognized by
a. MHC I and MHC II surface markers; cytotoxic and helper t
b. MHC I surfacee markers with an antigen; cytotoxic t cells (
c. MHC II surface markers with ana antigen;...
How do T cells coordinate the specific humoral immune response.
Then describe how T cells coordinate the specific cell mediated
immune response. For both, be sure to discuss all receptors
involved, interleukins, all cell interactions, and cell types.
1. Describe two mechanisms by which regulatory T cells can prevent helper T cells from becoming activated.
2. Summarize the pros and cons of “live” (attenuated) vs. “killed” (inactivated) vaccines.
Explain the importance of immunological memory cells. Describe
in detail how and when memory cells arise and explain how they form
the basis for effective immunizations.
1. Describe two mechanisms by which regulatory T cells can prevent helper T cells from becoming activated.
2. A poison ivy rash is the result of a hypersensitivity reaction. What type of hypersensitivity reaction is this, and how is it generated?
Compare how cell-mediated immunity is essential for elimination
of pathogen and destruction of tumour cells and relate the
importance of DCcross presentation in this context