In: Operations Management
Four steps involved in system model of training and development-
Identifying and analyzing-At this step, requirements 0f the training programme is to be identified like department analysis, employees analysis, who requires the training, training patterns and its cost.
Designing and Developing-Establishing the objectives 9f the training, its contents, sequence etc is designing whereas under the developing, task listing up, training examination, validation of information etc.
Implementation-Most crucial step is to execution of the programme in pre planned manner.
Evaluation-Evaluating the programme at each step to check whether there is gap between the designed plan and implemented plan. If any gap is found, then corrective measures should be taken.
Collection of data and its storage on organization's personnels is through Human Resources Information System.It is software that helps HR of an organization to avoid time consuming training and development programme and make it advanced with the latest technology.
At each level of system model of training, HRIS application plays crucial role. We can better understand it by discussing each steps-
Analyze- Here HRIS assits in analyzing each employee and also estimates cost of the training.
Design- It assit in making structured designe as per formulated objectives and required needs.
Development- HRIS application develops traininig programme for accomplishment of organizational goals.
Execution and Evaluation- HRIS application helps in programme implementation as well as evaluation of the final results.