In: Psychology
What barrier to effective listening do you most often struggle with? Describe an example.
I personally suffer from gender differences to effective listening .It's not that I'm biased towards any gender no .Instead I find myself in a very difficult situation or place when I encounter someone of the opposite sex and start a conversation. It is very very very hard for me if I meet someone I don't know and im supposed to be talking to this person from the opposite sex ill be in a fix and I think I know the reason why ,I generally very scared of what is this person like , what kind of conversation does this person like ,will this person judge me , I'm I talking too much etc maybe I'm very conscious of myself interacting with this person and specially if we are in a crowd and there is someone from the opposite sex I cannot even utter a work I appear very arrogant but honestly I m not so comfortable talking to a strange from the opposite sex.i usually think that I will be judged for what I say and also I always think about what kind of conversation does this person like and hence all that duration when this person is talking I kinda don't listen cause I'm contemplating too much hence I hope you understood what I do when I'm not listening.
example; Say we are in the auditorium and we gather there to discuss an event and let's also assume you are the opposite sex of mine then we are introduced and you start talking to my friend all that time I will be thinking it is my turn to talk next and I don't know what to talk because this person doesn't seem to like my personality and I also do not know what to talk and ill end up not talking to you and mainly all that time you were talking I did not listen to a bit.
Thankyou, hope this helped!