In: Psychology
QUESTION: Discuss the utility of Minitab with regard to variability that is inherent in studies. Identify 3 research scenarios that might provide a low, medium, and high degree of variability in the study data, and describe how the outcome of a given study can be influenced by variability in the data.
NOTE: What I ACTUALLY need are THREE different research scenarios- each of which might provide a low, medium, and high degree of variability in the study data.. AND then describe how the outcome of a given study can be influenced by variability in the data.
Thank you!
Minitab is a learning software which is used for statistical education worldwide, it is the most practical and extensive to organise, process and interpret data.Minitab discussses about the variability that is inherited in studies this can be used for data in many waysthat is variability in reference to minitab means what effects the outcome of the studies and makes the results more or less significant so this can be the sample ages or gender or etc so now the researcher wants to control the variables that might be involved in studies so that he could control too much adverse effects in studiesT he next issue regarding this involves the randomization,so this too can effect the outcome of studies, so with this the resercher can control the outcome of studies by controlling variables, but even too much controll leads to adverse effects .
There are 150 samples for each of the 2 groups 300 intotal to have 80% chance of dectecting the difference between the 2 high variability populationa, that quite cost some money ,so whwn we look at the population that has less variability,
High variability 300
Medium variability 84
low variability 24
so we see the sample size that have an 80% chance of dectecting the same difference between the means drops dramatically with less variability.
Now you suppose that you are having 90% chance of dectecting the difference,so we will change the power value from 0.8 to 0.9 compare the low to high variability of population, minitab shows you that
high 300 increases to 400 approx
low 24 increase to 26,
so for high variability sample we need additional 100 samples to get extra 10% assurance wheras we need 2 more for low variability, this shows its much easier to obtain higher power value whwn we have low variability.
Power and sample sizesare only good as you estimate your variability and to avoid low power analysis, so minitab makes it easy to do so .