Differences of
Non- profit Financial Statement and Federal Government Financial
- Both organisation also have thier own accounting standard. The
government follows the Government Accounitng Standard Board
(GASB) and non- profit follows the Financial
Accounitng Standard Borad(FASB).
- Government Agencies used the Statment of Net
Assets and Non- profit use the Statement Financial
- Every government organisation maintain Comprehensive
Annual Financial Report (CAFR), but no such requirement is
with no- profit orgnaisation
- Unlike non- profit statment , Government financial stvenue
atement does discrimiate between capital expenses and
revenue expenses.
- Government exist longer than non- profit
businesses and are not subjet to bankruptcy and dissolution
- Most government revenues are raised through involuntary taxes
rather than a willing exchange of comparable value between two
parties in a typical business transaction.
- Governments serve a broader group of stakeholders than profit
businesses, including taxpayers, citizens, elected representatives,
oversight groups, bondholders, and others in the financial
of Non-
profit Financial Statement and Federal Government Financial
- Both Government
and non - profit organisation follows Generally Accepted Accounting
Principles (GAAP)
- Both of them require a greater need for
transparency because constituents and donors want
to know where their money is going.
- Non-profits and governments report with two common financial
statements: The Statement of Activities and Statement of Cash
- Both of them require reduced human error.
- Both of them follow same accounting period.