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Case Study 2: Chapter 22 Write an explanation with each answer “What’s going on with me?”...

Case Study 2: Chapter 22

Write an explanation with each answer

“What’s going on with me?” Jiang-Mei thought. Her palms were sweaty; her heart was racing; her mouth felt dry. She was finding it difficult to concentrate on the physiology test sitting on her desk. No matter how many times she told herself to calm down, the symptoms continued. She glanced over at her friend, who was taking the same test. Her friend seemed perfectly calm!

1. Which stage of the general adaptation syndrome is Jiang-Mei experiencing? A. Alert reaction B. Stage of resistance C. Stage of exhaustion D. Alarm reaction

2. If we were to do a blood test on Jiang-Mei at this moment, the levels of which hormone would be elevated? A. TRH B. CRH C. TSH D. Melatonin

3. Which of these is not one of the “stress triad”? A. Enlarged lymphatic organs B. Increased size of adrenal glands C. Gastrointestinal ulcers D. Decreased size of lymphatic organs

4. All of the following statements are FALSE, except which one? A. Stressors are perceived in an infant before and after birth B. All stressors have the same effect on all people C. Stressors are always intensely negative experiences D. Stressors cannot be an imagined threat; they must be a real, physical threat


Expert Solution

1) Option D

Jiang-Me is experiencing the first stage of general adaptation syndrome (Alarm stage). Her body is adapting her to be able to react quickly in either fleeing or confronting the threat posed to them (fight or flight mechanism). It is causing her heart rate to increase, and adrenal gland to release cortisol (a stress hormone) to boost adrenaline production, which increases energy

In resistance phase the body tends to repair from stress.   Cortisol levels gets lower and heart rate and blood pressure begin to normalize.In such situaation person shows irritation, lack of concentration

In exhaustion stage body does not have strength left to fight stress. The person is exhausted or fatigued

2) Option B

If blood test is done, she will have high levels on CRH (cortisol releasing hormone). During stress, hypothalamus signals adrenal gland to increase production of stress hormone- cortisol (CRH)

TRH:  stands for Thyrotropin-releasing hormone. It is produced by neurons in the hypothalamus and stimulates the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

TSH: stands for thyroid-stimulating hormone. It regulates thyroid gland for production of T4 and T3 hormones

Melatonin: It is produced by penial gland and has role in natural sleep-wake cycle

3) Option A: Enlarged lymphatic organs is not a part of stress triad

Stress triad refers to the three organs or hormones that affect our body/ or are activated when we are stressed.

During stress, adrenals are enlarged, thymus and lymph nodes undergo atrophy and there is gastric erosions

Cortisol suppresses immune system function and reduced circulation of the antibodies, It decreases both eosinophils and, white blood cells with potential damage to lymphatic system.

4) Option A:  Stressors are perceived in an infant before and after birth. The stress that women experience while they are pregnant can affect their health and the health of their future children

Other options

All stressors have the different effect on all people. It depends on how persons perceive stressor

Stressors can be both good or bad for the person

.Stressors can be an imagined or real threat

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