
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Write an Explanation with each answer. Georgia Kaplan is a 22-year-old college student with anorexia nervosa....

Write an Explanation with each answer.

Georgia Kaplan is a 22-year-old college student with anorexia nervosa. She was diagnosed when she was 15 years old while attending boarding school. She has undergone intensive treatment with recent better control of her disorder. At present she weighs 98 pounds and her height is 5 feet 2 inches. She is fearful of gaining weight. In particular, she is fearful of weighing more than 100 pounds. She has kept her weight over 95 pounds for the last 3 years with close medical follow-up and psychological counseling.

Ms. Kaplan’s grades at school are consistently As and Bs, unless she is having difficulty with her condition. She visualizes herself as being overweight, “feels fat,” and follows a very strict diet under medical supervision. She shares an apartment with two other roommates who are not aware that she has an eating disorder. She shops for her own food, stores it on a special shelf in the kitchen, and uses a particular shelf in the refrigerator. Her roommate shop, cook, and share meals with each other, but Georgia prefers to by herself.

Georgia exercises twice a day. In the morning she jogs with on of her roommates. In the afternoon she works out, concentrating on her abdomen, which she believes is “too fat and sticks out too much.” She has not had a menstrual period in more than 3 months. Before that time, her menstrual cycle was irregular and fluctuated with the control of her disease.

On physical examination, Georgia appears pale and thin. Her temperature is 96.2 degrees, her blood pressure is 64/42, and her pulse is 58 and regular. She states that she has occasional dizziness but, as long as she changes her position slowly from lying to sitting, this dizziness is not usually bothersome.

  1. Even though Georgia Kaplan’s disease seems to be in control, which one of the following factors indicates a need to monitor her more closely than usual?
  1. A weight of 98 pounds
  2. Fear of gaining weight over 100 pounds
  3. Grades
  4. The fact that her roommates do not know of her disorder
  5. Ritualistic behavior regarding shopping and eating alone
  6. Exercise
  7. Body image
  8. Amenorrhea
  9. Dizziness
  10. Abnormal temperature, pulse, and blood pressure
  1. 1, 2, 4, and 5
  2. 3, 4, 5, and 10
  3. 4, 5, 6, and 8
  4. 6, 7, 8, and 9
  1. The counselor convinces Georgia to share her problem with her roommates and she brings them to her next visit. Discussion with the roommates indicates that Georgia’s condition is being complicated by another disorder. She has not gained any weight since the last visit, but her roommates indicate that she is sharing meals with them and progressively eating more food. Which one of the following disorders should be considered?
  1. Phenylketonuria
  2. Obesity
  3. Diabetes mellitus
  4. Bulimia
  1. In making nutritional recommendations to Ms. Kaplan, the counselor should stress which of the following factors?
  1. Basic nutrient molecules are necessary for each cell in the body to function.
  2. Body systems will compensate for her inability to eat properly.
  3. Her disorder will not affect other systems in the body.
  4. She will need to take vitamins to counteract all the effects of her disorder.
  1. When describing necessary nutrition for Georgia, which one of the following groups of tools is most likely to be used?
  1. Pictures of children with kwashiorkor and marasmus
  2. Recommended daily allowances and the Food Guide Pyramid
  3. Recommended daily allowances and a list of the essential amino acids.
  4. The food pyramid and a list of the essential amino acids


Expert Solution

1)Factors needs to be monitored are -

A) the weight of 98 pound and gaining weight more than 100pound should be monitored as she is depriving herself from getting the nutrition which she is supposed to have at the age of 22 .

Her BMI is - 17.7 kg/m² which is mild thinness .

(normal BMI - 18-24 kg/m²)

The fact that her roommates don't know about her condition should also be taken care because it's a psychiatric disorder which can be aided with friends and family based care.

She should not shop and eat alone because it is only adding into her illness.

2)She is facing Builimia nervosa as she is eating normal but she could bw vomiting the meal out so that she won't gain any weight.In this condition despite of eating she is not gaining any weight.

3)in order to make nutritional recommendation the counselor should stress on taking vitamins to counteract all effects of her eating disorders. The vitamins such as calcium which is responsible for strong bones . Other than this she needs to be encouraged for eating regularly.

4) D)Food pyramid and list of essential amino acids because food pyramid will guide the balanced nutrition and as essential amino acids are not synthesized by body but are very essential for body mass .

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