
In: Operations Management

Write a summary of your understanding of the following Quality Concepts (one half page for each...

Write a summary of your understanding of the following Quality Concepts (one half page for each concept):

(1) Continuous Process Improvement,

(2) Kaizen,

(3) ECRS Method,

(4) Performance Measurements, and (5) Benchmarking.


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Ans 1: A Continuous method Improvement is associate in progress effort to boost merchandise, services, or processes. These efforts will obtain “incremental” improvement over time or “breakthrough” improvement all directly. Delivery (customer valued) processes square measure perpetually evaluated and improved within the light-weight of their potency, effectiveness, and adaptability There square measure two main continuous method improvement philosophies: 1. Formalized Continuous method Improvement 2. Adaptative Continuous method Improvement formalise continuous method improvement is usually aligned to the standards like six alphabetic character, a collection of tools and techniques to realize method improvement toward a measurable monetary come. More adaptive ways square measure general tips that may utilize any combination of components from different processes on an independent basis. however, all told lean ways, continued improvement is the core principle. Continued improvement all told departments and processes are rarely potential, given constraints on time and expenses. Instead, most firms implement lean ways regarding events. Some firms can erroneously launch an occurrence at the primary sign of hassle solely to seek out that their focus isn't the foundation reason behind the matter.

Ans2: Kaizen may be an idea relating business activities that unending improve all functions and involve all workers from the corporate executive to the production line employees. Kaizen applies to processes, like buying and supplying, that cross structure boundaries into the availability chain. It's been applied in attention, psychotherapy, life employment, government, and banking. By up standardized programs and processes, kaizen aims to eliminate waste (lean manufacturing). Point kaizen It is one amongst the foremost usually enforced kinds of kaizen. It happens terribly quickly and typically while not a lot of designing. As before long as one thing is found broken or incorrect, fast, and immediate measures square measure taken to correct the problems. In some cases, it's conjointly potential that the positive effects of purpose kaizen in one, space will be cut back or eliminate edges of purpose kaizen in another space. Associate example of purpose kaizen may is a store scrutiny by a supervisor, and he finds broken materials or different tiny problems, then asks the owner of the search to perform a fast kaizen (5S) to rectify those issue. System Kaizen

System kaizen is accomplished in associate organized manner and is devised to handle system level issues in a company. It's in distinction to purpose kaizen that typically happens as a result of identification of a tiny low issue that is resolved in an exceedingly short amount of your time. Line Kaizen Line, during this context refers to a structured spreading of Lean from purpose or distinct to the road. As an example, kaizen may be applied to a method (point), however conjointly to the downstream method. Plane Kaizen It is future higher level of line kaizen, therein many lines square measure connected along. In fashionable terminologies, this will even be delineated as a price stream, wherever rather than ancient departments, the organization is structured into product lines or families and price streams. It will be pictured as changes or enhancements created to one line being enforced to multiple different lines or processes. Cube Kaizen Cube kaizen describes matters wherever all the purposes of the planes square measure connected to every different and no point is disjointed from the other. Enhancements square measure created up and down through the plane, or upstream or downstream, together with the entire organization, suppliers and customers.

ECRS stands for Eliminate, Combine, arrange and change and is an antique applied science method analysis methodology. It's one amongst the lean improvement ways. Plan is to seem at the method and raise ECRS queries, and so execute to remove/reduce waste. ECRS may be used When you want immediate enhancements To produce fast sensible ideas to form the method lean Can be combined with several techniques to come back up with improvement ideas Some purpose to stay in mind Its lean technique biased towards fast execution, thus for your ideas bear in mind you should have a management over their implementation don't pay cash execute currently do it with the team World Health Organization will the work How will we tend to use ECRS Do it with the “doers”, it a lean technique Draw the method map / write the method steps the steps ought to be written until lower level (ought to be "go to the printer” “get print out” and NOT simply print) Write any famed information/data on the method steps e.g of errors​ Amount of your time to the activity Show hand offs Elapsed time : quantity of your time go on between get in and take over mark, make over loops This step is elective, if you wish to do the remainder of the steps while not it, go ahead Now raise the queries currently Eliminate — what if we do not try this step, will this step add value​​. Rather than printing and scanning, will we tend to directly flip it to PDF Combine - that steps may be combined Rearrange - this is the simplest sequence. Simplify detail, is that this best thanks to hump eg. will we tend to produce a macro, a calculator, will we tend to automatize this Once you're through with the exercise - withdraw on the ground and implement it.

Ans4: Performance measurement is the method of collection, analyzing and/or coverage info relating to the performance of a personal, group, organization, system or element. Moullin defines the term with a forward wanting organizational focus—”the method of evaluating however well organization are managed and also the price they deliver for patrons and alternative stakeholders".

[3] use an additional operational retrospective focus—”the method of quantifying the potency and effectiveness of past actions".[4]In 2007 the workplace of the Chief info Officer within the USA outlined it employing an additional critical focus—Performance activity estimates the parameters beneath that programs, investments, and acquisitions are reaching the targeted results. Beyond a straightforward agreement concerning it being joined to some reasonably activity of performance there's very little accord concerning the way to outline or use performance measures. Within the light-weight of this what is going on is the emergence of organizing frameworks that incorporate performance measures and infrequently additionally veto ways for selecting and victimization the suitable measures for that application. The foremost common such frameworks include: Balanced scorecard—used by the organisations to manage the implementation of company ways Key performance indicator—a technique for selecting important/critical performance measures, typically in AN organizational context Operational standards typically embody predefined lists of normal performance measure. Defining performance measures or ways by that they'll be chosen is additionally a preferred activity for academics—for example, a listing of railway infrastructure indicators be obtainable by Stenström et al. a completely unique technique for live choice is planned by Mendibil et al. Academic articles that give vital reviews of performance activity in specific domains also are common—e.g. Ittner's observations on non-financial coverage by business organization,or observations concerning use of performance activity in non-profit organization.

Ans 5: Bench marking is the apply of scrutiny business processes and performance metrics to business bests and best practices from different corporations. Dimensions usually measured are quality, time and price. Bench marking is employed live performance employing a specific indicator (cost per unit of measure, productivity per unit of live, cycle time of x per unit of live or defect per unit of measure) leading to a metric of performance that's then compared to others. this method is employed in management during which organizations assess varied aspects of their processes in respect to best-practice companies' processes, typically at intervals coevals outlined for the needs of comparison. This then permits organizations to develop plans on the way to build enhancements or adapt specific best practices, typically with the aim of skyrocketing some facet of performance. Bench marking could also be an occurrence event, however is commonly treated as endless method during which organizations frequently get to boost their practices. The following is AN example of a typical bench marking methodology: Identify downside areas: They embrace informal conversations with customers, employees, or suppliers, or in-depth research, quantitative analysis, surveys, questionnaires, re-engineering analysis, method mapping, internal control variance reports, monetary quantitative relation analysis, or just reviewing cycle times or different performance indicators. Before embarking on comparison with different organizations it's essential to understand the organization's perform and processes; base lining performance provides a degree against that improvement effort may be measured.

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