
In: Computer Science

Write two functions in C++ called readData() and findAverage(). Please answer it in C++ The first...

  1. Write two functions in C++ called readData() and findAverage().

Please answer it in C++

The first function should take a reference to an ifstream object and a reference to an array of double, read data into the array from the file and return the number of values read. It should stop reading when the end of the file is reached. The data file contains prices of an unspecified item, one per line.

The second function takes a reference to an array of double, and an int indicating the number of elements in the array and then calculates and returns the average of the values in the array.

(b) The program below is designed to use the functions readData() and findAverage()defined in part a above to read the data from a file called prices.txt to the array and then calculate and display the average. Currently, the program has missing sections indicated by the empty text boxes. Complete the program by inserting the missing statements into the spaces provided.


Expert Solution

Code for the following problem:-

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int readData(ifstream &ptr,double* values)// function to read data from prices.txt
{double x;
int count=0;
if (!ptr) { //to check if our file is read correctly.
cout << "Unable to open file datafile.txt";
exit(1); // call system to stop
while (ptr >> x) {


double findAverage(double* values,int count)// function to fid average
{double sum=0;
for(int i=0;i<count;i++)

int main()
ifstream inFile;"prices.txt");
double values[1000];
int count=readData(inFile,values);
double average=findAverage(values,count);
cout<<"Average= "<<average;

return 0;

Sample input file used :-


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