Convert the following floating-point number (stored using IEEE
floating-point standard 754) to a binary number in non-standard
Convert 0.875 to an IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point
number. Show the sign bit, the exponent, and the fraction.
Convert -3.875 to an IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point
number. Show the sign bit, the exponent, and the fraction
Convert the IEEE 754 single-precision floating-point numbers
42E4800016 and 0080000016 to their corresponding decimal
Convert the following numbers to 32-bit, 2s compliment binary
and hexadecimal formats. Show your work in recursive division form.
Using the simple model for representing binary floating point
A floating-point number is 14 bits in length.
The exponent field is 5 bits.
The significand field is 8 bits.
The bias is 15
Represent -32.5010 in the simple model.
Convert 0xCD001234 from IEEE-754 hexadecimal to single-precision floating point format.
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Please do not answer otherwise.
Q1: In the addition of floating-point numbers,
how do we adjust the representation of numbers with different
Answer the following questions:
What binary operation can be used to set bits? What bit pattern
should the mask have?
What binary operation can be used to unset bits? What bit
pattern should the mask have?
What binary operation can be used to flip bits? What bit
pattern should the mask have?
Convert 1.67e14 to the 32-bit IEEE 754 Floating Point Standard,
with the following layout: first bit is sign bit, next 8 bits is
exponent field, and remaining 23 bits is mantissa field; result is
to be in hexadecimal and not to be rounded up.
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