How do you see ideas of the Enlightenment evident in our society today? Be sure to...

How do you see ideas of the Enlightenment evident in our society today? Be sure to give specific examples from Enlightenment thinkers.

In: Civil Engineering

Design a trapezoidal channel to pass a discharge of 10m3/s and the channel will be excavated...

Design a trapezoidal channel to pass a discharge of 10m3/s and the channel will be excavated through rock by blasting. The topography in the area is such that a bottom slope of 1 in 4000 will be suitable. Assume that n = 0.030 and select a value for the side slope, Z, as 1 horizontal to 4 verticals. Sketch the diagram for all calculated dimensions.

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the details of ductility with moment-curvature relationship with an example and drawing moment – curvature...

Explain the details of ductility with moment-curvature relationship with an example and drawing moment – curvature diagram.

In: Civil Engineering

1. Compare the volume occupied by 1000 lb of refuse before (loose) and after baling by...

1. Compare the volume occupied by 1000 lb of refuse before (loose) and after baling by calculating the compaction ratio.

a. List waste densities (loose and baled) and provide a reference.

b. Calculate the compaction ratio.

Refuse composition (percent by weight)

Newspaper 21%
Office paper 15%
Cardboard 8%
Glass 12%
Steel cans 5%
Yard waste 18%
Aluminum cans 4%
Misc. 11%

In: Civil Engineering

how is sludge treated differently in water treatment vs wastewater treatment?

how is sludge treated differently in water treatment vs wastewater treatment?

In: Civil Engineering

i need term paper for asbestos pollution and encapsulation

i need term paper for asbestos pollution and encapsulation

In: Civil Engineering

A department in the facility required 12,250 units of raw materials to produce a TV. The...

A department in the facility required 12,250 units of raw materials to produce a TV. The company is deciding wither to buy or make raw materials. The fixed and variable cost of building (manufacturing) the raw materials are $20,000 and $5, respectively. Also, the fixed and variable costs for buying the raw materials are $400 and $7, respectively. Use the breakeven analysis methods to decide if the company has to purchase or manufacture the raw materials.

Non of the above

The company must purchase the raw materials

The company must make the raw materials

It will cost the company the same to make or buy the raw materials

In: Civil Engineering

I need term paper search for optimization in water resources

I need term paper search for optimization in water resources

In: Civil Engineering

Describe the concrete mix design concerns when a contractor elects to use a hydraulic pump to...

Describe the concrete mix design concerns when a contractor elects to use a hydraulic pump to place concrete

In: Civil Engineering

1. Name two supplementary materials and explain where they come from . 2. Discuss the differences...

1. Name two supplementary materials and explain where they come from .

2. Discuss the differences , advantages and disadvantages of the wet and dry process of cement production.

3. List the main thermal zones in a cement kiln. Briefly describe the processes in each zone.

In: Civil Engineering

Please provide list of general areas that shall be covered by an Inspection Report by an...

Please provide list of general areas that shall be covered by an Inspection Report by an Architect from Earthworks to Finishing.

In: Civil Engineering

A car idling emits NOxat a rate of 2 g/sec. Assuming an effective “stack” (tailpipe) height...

  1. A car idling emits NOxat a rate of 2 g/sec. Assuming an effective “stack” (tailpipe) height of 2 feet, Class C stability, and a wind speed at tailpipe height of 0.5 m/sec, estimate the ground-level concentration of NOx100 m directly downwind. Terrain is rural.

In: Civil Engineering

How to reduce Carbon Emissions while Excavating?

How to reduce Carbon Emissions while Excavating?

In: Civil Engineering

Q3. You have been selected to design a secondary wastewater treatment plant for a municipality in...

Q3. You have been selected to design a secondary wastewater treatment plant for a municipality in Amman of 15,000 people which has some industry that discharges wastewater to the municipal sewer system. The average daily wastewater flow is 2.1 MGD (million gallon/d) and the raw sewage entering the WWTP has an average BOD5 of 240 mg/L and average suspended solids of 260 mg/L.

  1. If the average domestic per capita sewage flow is 115 gpcd, what is the average flow of the industrial wastewater in MGD?
  2. If the average BOD5 load from the domestic sewage is 0.18 lbs/capita-day, what is the average daily BOD5 loading (in lbs/day) from the industrial wastewater? What is the population equivalent to this BOD5 loading?

Q4. What are the quantitative requirements for BOD5 and SS in wastewater discharges from secondary WWTPs? Hint:BOD5 and TSS in the effluent must be less than or equal to 30 mg/L based on a 30 day average, and ≥85% removal of both must be achieved

Q3. You have been selected to design a secondary wastewater treatment plant for a municipality in Amman of 15,000 people which has some industry that discharges wastewater to the municipal sewer system. The average daily wastewater flow is 2.1 MGD (million gallon/d) and the raw sewage entering the WWTP has an average BOD5 of 240 mg/L and average suspended solids of 260 mg/L.

  1. If the average domestic per capita sewage flow is 115 gpcd, what is the average flow of the industrial wastewater in MGD?
  2. If the average BOD5 load from the domestic sewage is 0.18 lbs/capita-day, what is the average daily BOD5 loading (in lbs/day) from the industrial wastewater? What is the population equivalent to this BOD5 loading?

Q4. What are the quantitative requirements for BOD5 and SS in wastewater discharges from secondary WWTPs? Hint:BOD5 and TSS in the effluent must be less than or equal to 30 mg/L based on a 30 day average, and ≥85% removal of both must be achieved

In: Civil Engineering

Assume that you are a consultant for a city or community that is trying to put...

Assume that you are a consultant for a city or community that is trying to put in place a long-term sustainability plan. You are fully in charge of making sure that all the key stakeholders are invited, involved, engaged and heard throughout the process. On this Discussion Board, I would like you to comment on how you would go about ensuring that process. You may choose a state/city/community and environmental/socio-economic problem of your choice.

In: Civil Engineering