Consider modeling the following systems A-D:
A. The water system for a farm growing corn;
B. The energy system of the Engineering Building at a University
C. The food production system of a Detroit urban garden growing tomato;
D. The integrated food-energy-water system of one household.
Please describe 1 – 4) for each system:
In: Civil Engineering
If the flow rate of soil waste is 205 GPM, what size drainpipe will be needed for:
a. A slope of 1/2 inch per foot of fall? What is the flow rate of the drainpipe selected?
b. A slope of 1 ∕8 inch per foot of fall? What is the flow rate of the drainpipe selected?
In: Civil Engineering
A 3 m tall, 30 m wide, road embankment made of rockfill with a unit weight of 20 kN/m3 is to be constructed over a 30 m thick normally consolidated clay layer resting on a very permeable fracture rock bed. The clay layer has a coefficient of consolidation cv=7 m^2/month, and a unit weight of γsat=18.5 kN/m3. The compression characteristics of the clay are mr=120, and m=12.
a) Determine the time required for the remaining consolidation to be 25 mm or less (allowing completion of the road surface) (hint what is U?).
b) How high should the surcharge embankment be to achieve the same consolidation in 6 months (to the nearest 0.5 m)?
c) What would the wick-drain spacing be to achieve the same results as in b) but with only half the surcharge height?
In: Civil Engineering
How did modern construction learn from ancient constructions, building materials and technologies? How could the oldest building materials be applied to today’s construction? Or could it be modified to fit our needs?
In: Civil Engineering
Design for britishcode 8110
Design a square pad footing for a 300 mm square column supporting a factored axial load of 800 kN. Safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2, fcu=20 N/mm2, fy=415 N/mm2.Design a square pad footing for a 300 mm square column supporting a factored axial load of 800 kN. Safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2, fcu=20 N/mm2, fy=415 N/mm2.
In: Civil Engineering
1. Solve quadratic equation Ax^2+Bx+C=0 using the quadratic formula x = (-B+ and - sqrt(B^2-4ac)) / 2a) and output the two solution with clear explanation
could you please do it in MATLAB
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
In the design of a multiple bay mill-type industrial building with a separate metal processing and finishing shops, what is the buildability criteria which you will use to base the structural lay-out and design of the building? Explain in details.
In: Civil Engineering
A rectangular concrete beam of width b= 600 mm, is limited by
architectural considerations to a maximum total depth h= 400 mm. It
= 542 kN.m. Design the umust carry a total factored load moment
Mflexural reinforcement for this member, using compression steel if
necessary. Allow 75 mm to the center of the bars from the
compression or tension face of the beam. Material strengths are
??′=27.6 ??? ??? ??=413 ?? ?.
Select reinforcement to provide the needed areas, and show a sketch
of your final design, including provision for No. 13 stirrups.
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
Sketch and explain the two components of primary and secondary moments. Explain how we use design and the material properties of rebar and concrete to counter the two moment types.
In: Civil Engineering
Topics: Construction Accounting & Finances
Capital Investments:
1.) Before you make a decision to acquire a large piece of equipment what tools would you use to determine if this investment is really worth the cost and how would you finance this large investment? (Please give a one paragraph brief detailed example.)
2.) Discuss the importance of budgeting. Then give an example of how you would control your budget as a construction manager. (Please give a one paragraph brief detailed example.)
In: Civil Engineering
You are conducting a geotechnical analysis on a 3-layer soil system. Layer 1 is a 5-ft sand with dry unit weight of 100 pcf. Layer 2 is a 6-ft silty sand with a saturated unit weight of 115 pcf. Layer 3 is a 15-ft low plasticity clay with a saturated unit weight of 117 pcf. There is an unknown granular soil below the clay layer. The ground water table is at a depth of 5 ft. A structural footing with dimension 5ft x 5ft is placed on top of the top sand layer. The footing must carry a load of 50,000 lbs. i. Draw a schematic diagram of the layered soil system. Show all details (6) ii. Draw the distribution of effective stresses in the soil (15) iii. Determine the effective stress in the middle of the clay layer (5) iv. At time T ≈0 (i.e. immediately after the structural load is applied), what would be the changes in total stress, pore water pressure and effective stress in the middle of the clay? Assume entire stress due to the footing is transmitted to the clay. (12) v. At time T ≈α, (i.e. long time after construction), what would be the changes in total stress, pore water pressure and effective stress in the middle of the clay? (12) vi. Laboratory consolidation test on the clay soil produced the following graph for the soil. Calculate the consolidation settlement of the clay layer when a foundation is placed on top of layer 1. Make any other necessary assumption. (50) 0.1 1 10 100
In: Civil Engineering