
In: Computer Science

Q1: True or False with the explanation. (5 Marks) Multimedia is systems that simultaneously operating on...

Q1: True or False with the explanation.

  1. Multimedia is systems that simultaneously operating on more than just text or audio.
  2. A multimedia markup language needs to enable the scheduling and synchronization of various multimedia elements.
  3. The most cost-effective method of delivery is optical disks.
  4. The most cost-effective method of delivery is a distributed network.
  5. Hypertext is a text which contains links to other texts that is mean to be read linearly.

Q2: Complete the following sentences. (2.5 Marks)

  1. There are two categories of graphics one of them is resolution dependents and generates large file sizes………..
  2. Which of the characteristics of multimedia systems is refers to every device is connected to and controlled by a single computer………..
  3. Which source of data is representing sound………..
  4. Write one of the desirable features for a multimedia system.
  5. Which of the components of multimedia systems is representing the Video Grabbing Card………..

Q3: What is the type of control characters as a class of codes, for the following, and explain the meaning of the symbol: (1.5 Marks)

  • DEL

Q4: What is the type of data for the following:

  1. WMV
  3. GIF
  4. XML

Q5: Give me an example of Bar Code Readers.

Q6: What is the difference between lossless and lossy for data compression with examples?

Q7: How many colors in 8 bits of the bitmap?

Q8: Explain the difference between Multimedia Programming and Multimedia Authoring.


Expert Solution

Q2 Answer)

The different types of image file formats:

  1. Raster file formats
    • JPEG
    • GIF
    • PNG
    • TIFF
    • RAW
    • PSD
  2. Vector file formats
    • PDF
    • EPS
    • SVG
    • AI

Q5 Answer)

A BCR (barcode reader) or scanner, also known as a POS (point of sale) scanner is a hardware input device capable of reading a barcode using a laser. It can also load the details of the product or log information about that product into a database. An example of a barcode reader is a supermarket barcode scanner that reads and logs the price of a product.

Like other input devices, a barcode reader is bringing in (inputting) information from the outside world into a computer or other electronic device. If the barcode reader also has a screen that displays (outputs) results or prints results, it would be considered an input/output device.

Barcode printers:

A barcode printer is a hardware device capable of printing adhesive barcodes that are attached to a product to identify it and help keep track of inventory.

Q7 Answer)

A bitmap is an array of bits that specifies the color of each pixel in a rectangular array of pixels. The number of bits devoted to an individual pixel determines the number of colors that can be assigned to that pixel. For example, if each pixel is represented by 4 bits, then a given pixel can be assigned one of 16 different colors (2^4 = 16). The following table shows a few examples of the number of colors that can be assigned to a pixel represented by a given number of bits.

So, 8 bit has 2^8 = 256 Number of colors that can be assigned to a pixel.

Hope this would be helpful.

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