
In: Computer Science

1. Develop a module named with the following functions. Function toCelsius is passed a Fahrenheit...

1. Develop a module named with the following functions.

  • Function toCelsius is passed a Fahrenheit temperature and returns the Celsius equivalent. 1 degree Fahrenheit = 5/9 * (Fahreheit-32) degrees Celsius.
  • Function toFahrenheit is passed a Celsius temperature and returns the Fahrenheit equivalent. 1 degree Celsius = 1.8*Celsisus + 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Function toKPH is passed a speed in miles per hour and returns the kilometers per hour equivalent. 1 kph = mph * 1.609344
  • Function toMPH is passed a speed in kilometers per hour and returns the miles per hour equivalent. 1 mph = kph * 0.62137119
  • Function windchillF is passed the temperature in Fahrenheit (T) and the wind speed in miles per hour (V) and returns the wind chill in Fahrenheit.

WC = 35.74+ 0.6215T−35.75V0.16 +0.4275TV0.16

  • Function windchillC is passed the temperature in Celsius (T) and the wind speed in kilometers per hour (V) and returns the wind chill in Celsius.

WC = 13.12+ 0.6215T−11.37V0.16 +0.3965TV0.16

2. Develop an application in which the user enters lower and upper bounds on temperature in Fahrenheit and lower and upper bounds on wind speed in miles per hour. Two charts are produced. The first chart lists wind chills in Fahrenheit for all combinations of temperature in Fahrenheit and wind speed in miles per hour. The second chart lists wind chills in Celsius for all combinations of equivalent temperatures in Celsius and wind speeds in kilometers per hour.

Required Code Structures:

  • The main function should be listed in def main ( ) function. The main function gets data from the user and calls the display function twice, once to produce the first chart in Fahrenheit and again to produce the second chart in Celsius.
  • A display function is written which is passed code ("F" for Fahrenheit or "C" for Celsius) along with the low and high bounds for temperature in correct units and low and high bounds for wind speed in correct units. This code uses a nested for loop to display a neat chart with field widths (see sample output for design to match). The temperatures increase by 5 each pass and the wind speeds increase by 2. Hint: Use the int function as necessary to convert float values to int values in the for loops.
  • Add your name and a program description as comments at the top of code.
  • All variables must have meaningful names using convention of lower case and a comment.
  • All constants must have meaningful names using convention of upper case and a comment.
  • All functions must have a comment describing purpose or return value


Expert Solution

Make sure to add the in the modules directory

Code for the app:

import temperatures

def display(temp_upper,temp_lower,speed_upper,speed_lower):

    # For listing the data in farenheit and MPH

    for i in range(int(temp_lower),int(temp_upper)):

        for j in range(int(speed_lower),int(speed_upper)):

            print(i,j)          # Prints the value of Temp and Wind speen in farenheit and MPH Respectively

            print(windchillF(i,j))  # Prints the value of Wind Chill

    # For listing the data in celcius and KPH

    for i in range(int(toCelsius(temp_lower)),int(toCelsius(temp_upper))):

        for j in range(int(toKPH(speed_lower)),int(toKPH(speed_upper))):

            print(i,j)          # Prints the value of Temp and Wind speen in celcius and KPH Respectively

            print(windchillc(i,j))  # Prints the value of Wind Chill

def main():

    temp_upper = input("Enter the upper bound for temperature in Fahrenheit:")

    temp_lower = input("Enter the lower bound for temperature in Fahrenheit:")

    speed_upper = input("Enter the upper bound for Wind Speed in MPH:")

    speed_lower = input("Enter the lower bound for Wind Speed in MPH:")




Code for module:

def toCelsius(fahrenheit):

    return (5/9) * (fahrenheit - 32)

def toFahrenheit(celsius):

    return (celsius * 1.8) + 32

def toKPH(mph):

    return mph * 1.609344

def toMPH(kph):

    return kph * 0.62137119

def windchillF(T,V):

    return (35.74 + 0.6215*T - 35.75 * V **0.16 + 0.4275 * T * V**0.16)

def windchillC(T,V):

    return (13.12 + 0.6215*T - 11.37 * V **0.16 + 0.3965 * T * V**0.16)

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