In: Operations Management
Compose an ethical code on how you will act in organizations and pull in at least one theory. Please address / answer the following points. Please try and provide good reasoning/explanation
I. Ethical Statement
Ethics are not only in our genes, sometimes they are developed with the experiences in life. These ethics not only govern our behavior or an activity, rather it governs everything related to our lives including our thought process. People with strong ethics are not only liked by people around them but are also admired at their back. And, so is the case with the people working in an organization. Ethics are the core foundation of the organization’s healthy culture.
I grew up with a physical disability in my left leg which led to stay humble and develop strong ethics in myself along with the experiences I gained in my life. I realized that god is above all and he can do anything with anyone of us. So, it is our duty to stay humble with his creatures and follow humanity. This though process made me behave properly to everyone around me.
My core values and beliefs are as follows:
1. Respect for people.
2. Integrity and honesty.
3. Being diligent towards my work.
4. Client centricity, etc.
My professional mantra is:
“Work hard, party harder”
My personal ethics have always supported me to perform well at my workplace and being respected by my colleagues. Because when I give respect to people they return me respect and being honest and focused to my work, my work pays me back very well.
II. Ethical Theory: Deontology Theory
According to deontological theory, the real importance is in determining the moral intent of an action itself. It includes rules to differentiate right or wrong. Being moral is our duty towards other human beings. An action is right not because of its righteous consequences, but because how one has behaved in the action. Deontology means obligation or duty.
Deontology is a way that people judge the morality of others based on a set of rules.
In an organization, not only should the individual person have an ethical approach but also company CEO’s, higher management and other team members, to build a good shape and culture of the entire organization.
III. Discuss how you will handle unethical behavior by organization, supervisor and subordinates:
Unethical behavior by organization:
a. By trying to understand their situation while doing the conduct and if the situation was not sensitive or critical then do the following.
b. By communicating it to the right person in the organization.
c. Explaining them the industry rules an organization should follow to behave ethically in the industry.
d. Telling them the consequences of the unethical behavior and impacts over myself.
e. Suggesting how can it be improved.
Unethical behavior by supervisor:
a. By trying to understand their situation while doing the conduct and if the situation was not sensitive then do the following.
b. By communicating the wrong behavior of the supervisor to himself.
c. If he doesn’t understand, then complaining to some higher authority about his unethical conduct.
d. Explaining the impact of the conduct over myself.
e. Requesting for not repeating.
Unethical behavior by subordinates:
a. By trying to understand their situation while doing the conduct and if the situation was not sensitive then do the following.
b. By arranging a meeting with the subordinate and talk about it.
c. Explaining him the impact on myself due to his bad conduct.
d. If he doesn’t understands, then complaining it to his superiors.
e. Requesting for not repeating such conduct.