
In: Psychology

explain how defense mechanisms operate.

explain how defense mechanisms operate.


Expert Solution

Defence mechanisms are the mind's unconscious response to the anxiety which or arising because of some unacceptable or inconsistent stimuli . Defence mechanisms can lead to positive or negative results . They can be defined as strategies which work at unconscious level. They can distort the reality .They can deny the reality as well as they can manipulate the reality in order to reduce the impact of stress and anxiety .They try to keep the schema balanced .There are a number of defense mechanisms the way they are used are mentioned below .

  • Sublimation - In this type of defense mechanisms the person indulges in a productive activity or we can say positive activity to reduce stress .This includes running , painting etc .
  • Projection -In this type of defence mechanics the individual projects the thoughts and feelings on the other person . For example you hate a person but you will project this behaviour on the same person by saying that this person also hates me .
  • Repression - It is a type of defence mechanism in which individuals bury the emotions and feelings to keep them away from the awrennes area.
  • Denial- In this the individuals refuse to accept or we can say blocks the external stressors or factors . An example of this is smoking, ignoring the harmful effect of smoking .
  • Displacement- In this mechanism individuals replace the stress with an object but in an aggressive way .A common example of this is workplace stress which is projected on a wife or pet by beating them .
  • Regression -In this mechanism an individual goes back in time to ignore the feelings of stress .

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