The term “disaster” denotes a low-probability but high-impact
event that causes a large number of individuals to become ill or
injured. Disasters are defined by an event or situation
that overwhelms the capacity of a community to respond due to the
magnitude of loss such as economic, environmental, loss of life,
property, or infrastructure.
Disasters can be natural, such as earthquakes, floods, and
disease outbreaks; or they can be man-made, such as transportation
incidents, terrorist bombings, and biological or chemical attacks
Each type of threat presents different challenges to the nurses and
healthcare fascility.
Disaster preparedness can help the nurse in future
career in following ways
- Being a disaster trained nurse, each moment should be prepared
to meet a disaster challenge. The type of disaster and the severity
will define the response level to the events.
- Knowing the cause, type and location of the disaster will help
determine the appropriate response and managing disaster.
- Participating disaster management drill helps to handle real
situations effectively.
- Education in disaster management Life-saving skills such as
CPR, first aid, and Advanced Trauma Life Support are critical
classes for emergency nurses helps to gain confidence and manage
situations rapidly.
- Triage training in disaster management helps to identify the
client situation (resuscitation, emergent, urgent ,less urgent or
non urgent) helps to provide care as per priority.
- Familiarity with facility disaster plan helps to act
- Clear knowledge about the type of disaster and approximate
number of casuality involved; helps to prepare emergency equipment,
emergency response team and use proper personnel protective
- Knowledge of personal protective equipment gloves, gowns, masks
ect helps to avoid infection for us and others.
- Teamwork is crucial to meet the needs of those involved in a
disaster incident.
- Communication is a top priority. Learning proper communication
skill and technique by sending a clear, direct message and
listening to the response is a process that can save lives,
including your own in a real situation. It helps to work as a part
of team to deliver high quality care in future situations.
- Helps to call in emergency numbers or activate emergency
response system.
- Life-saving training such as CPR,ACLS, ITLS or other advanced
training for critical helps to use in care of injured patient.
- Disaster management training helps to master in leadership. At
the time of disaster helps to know the exact role and swith
according to the situations as leader or others.
- Always will be prepared to give emotional support to patients
who may not be able to process what has happened.
- Disaster preparedness helps to deliver quality of care rapidly
by avoiding panic situations, doubt, etc