
In: Computer Science

Write a C++ program that will use good object-oriented principles. You have been tasked to write...

Write a C++ program that will use good object-oriented principles.

You have been tasked to write an application that will allow a user to change their system password. The XYZ Corporation has the following rules for passwords:

  • each password should have a minimum of 8 characters
  • each password should have a minimum of 2 uppercase characters (A - Z)
  • each password should have a minimum of 2 lowercase characters (a - z)
  • each password should have a minimum of 2 digits (0 - 9)
  • each password should have a minimum of 2 special characters of which the following characters are allowed: !, @, $, %, and & (in any combination)

Once the user has created a new password that passes the above requirements, the user must then retype the password for the program to verify that the same password was entered by the user.

If the user creates a password that does not meet the minimum requirements, be sure to let the user know the entered password does not meet the minimum requirements and allow the user to retype the password.
If the user creates a password that does not match the second entry of the password (both entries much match), then be sure to let the user know the password update is unsuccessful.

If the password entered does not meet the minimum requirements, an error message should be displayed and allow the user to try again.

If the password entered contains the minimum requirements listed, then ask the user to retype the password for verification.
If the two entered passwords do not match, an error message should be displayed and the user should be allowed to retype the password.

An Example:

Update Your Password

Password Requirements:
- minimum of 8 characters
- minimum of 2 uppercase characters (A - Z)
- minimum of 2 lowercase characters (a - z)
- minimum of 2 digits (0 - 9)
- minimum of 2 special characters: !, @, $, %, &, _

Enter a new password: Pa$$word123

Error: password does not meet minimum requirements, try again:

Enter a new password: Pa$$Word123

Password meets minimum requirements.

Reenter the new password: Pa$$Word223

Error: update unsuccessful. Entries do not match, try again:

Reenter the new password: Pa$$Word123

Password Update successful.

Remember to change your password every 90 days.

The program should have as a minimum:

a class named Password

private member variables:

  • string to hold the initial password entry
  • string to hold the second password entry
  • int variables (4 minimum) to hold the count of:
    • number of uppercase characters entered
    • number of lowercase characters entered
    • number of digits entered
    • number of valid special characters entered

private member functions (all called from the driver() method):

  • void setPassword1() - prompts and reads in the initial password entry from the user
  • void validateRequirements() - validates the initial password entered meets the minimum requirements established
  • void setPassword2() - prompts the user to reenter the password and reads in the value entered ONLY when the initial password is valid
  • void validateMatch() - validates that both password entries match exactly
  • void display() - displays the result

public member functions:

  • class constructor - initialize variables
  • void driver() - called from main() and is the order of execution

!!!NOTE: any program submission that does not use a class and object and/or does not use appropriate methods will result in a grade submission of 0.
Use of global variables will also result in a grade submission of 0.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>// needed for cin and cout
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

class password {
    char passwrd[20],repass[20];
    int min_upper,min_lower,min_digit,min_special;
    int valid,valid2;
    void setPassword1();
    void validateRequirements();
    void setPassword2();
    void validateMatch();
    void display();
    void driver();
void password::driver()

void password::setPassword1()
    cout<<"Update Your Password"<<endl;
    cout<<"Password Requirements:"<<endl;
    cout<<"- minimum of 8 characters"<<endl;
    cout<<"- minimum of 2 uppercase characters (A - Z)"<<endl;
    cout<<"- minimum of 2 lowercase characters (a - z)"<<endl;
    cout<<"- minimum of 2 digits (0 - 9)"<<endl;
    cout<<"- minimum of 2 special characters: !, @, $, %, &, _"<<endl;
    cout<<"Enter a new password:";


void password::validateRequirements()
 int invalid=0;
    int l=strlen(passwrd);
    for(int i=0;i<l;i++)
        char c=passwrd[i];
        if(c>='a' && c<='z')    //count lowercase characters (a - z)
        else if(c>='A' && c<='Z') //count uppercase characters (A - Z)
        else if(c>='0' && c<='9')  //count digits
        else if(c=='!' || c=='@'||c=='$'||c=='%'||c=='&'||c=='_') //count special chars
                invalid++; //counts invalid special characers +,=,(,)etc
                cout<<"invalid special character"; 
    //if all requirement true, set valid=1
    if(l>=8 && min_special>=2&&min_digit>=2&&min_upper>=2&&min_lower>=2&&invalid==0)
        cout<<"Error: password does not meet minimum requirements, try again:";
    // cout<<"length"<<min_lower<<min_upper<<min_digit<<min_special<<endl;
    //  cout<<"ok"<<endl;

void password::setPassword2()
   if(valid)     //if first password valid, reenter the Password
     cout<<"Password meets minimum requirements."<<endl;
     cout<<"Reenter the new password:";

void password::validateMatch()
       if(strcmp(passwrd,repass)!=0)  //if both password are different,unsuccess
          cout<<" Error: update unsuccessful. Entries do not match, try again:"<<endl;
          cout<<"Reenter the new password:";

void password::display()
  if(valid2==1 && valid==1)   //if both passwords match, success
      cout<<"Password Update successful."<<endl;
      cout<<"Remember to change your password every 90 days.";


int main()
    password pw;
    return 0;

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