
In: Computer Science

This program should be done in python. This must use the principles of object oriented program....

This program should be done in python. This must use the principles of object oriented program. Create one or more classes to play Four-in-a-Row (also called Connect Four) with a user. It’s similar to tic-tac-toe but the board is of size 7×6 and discs fall straight through so the legal moves are more stringent than tic-tac-toe. The state of the board should be printed to the terminal after each legal move. You can represent the different colored discs as X’s and O’s. The program should take input from the user for the next move, print the new state of the board and make a move of it’s own. The program does not need to implement a winning strategy so a random move would be sufficient. If the user makes an illegal move the program should display a message and prompt the user again. You can read more about this game on


Expert Solution

Connect four game written using python :

#! /usr/bin/env python3

from itertools import groupby, chain

NONE = '.'

RED = 'R'


def diagonalsPos (matrix, cols, rows):

#Get positive diagonals, going from bottom-left to top-right.

for di in ([(j, i - j) for j in range(cols)] for i in range(cols + rows -1)):

yield [matrix[i][j] for i, j in di if i >= 0 and j >= 0 and i < cols and j < rows]

def diagonalsNeg (matrix, cols, rows):

#Get negative diagonals, going from top-left to bottom-right

for di in ([(j, i - cols + j + 1) for j in range(cols)] for i in range(cols + rows - 1)):

yield [matrix[i][j] for i, j in di if i >= 0 and j >= 0 and i < cols and j < rows]

class Game:

def __init__ (self, cols = 7, rows = 6, requiredToWin = 4):

#Create a new game.

self.cols = cols

self.rows = rows = requiredToWin

self.board = [[NONE] * rows for _ in range(cols)]

def insert (self, column, color):

#Insert the color in the given column.

c = self.board[column]

if c[0] != NONE:

raise Exception('Column is full')

i = -1

while c[i] != NONE:

i -= 1

c[i] = color


def checkForWin (self):

#Check the current board for a winner

w = self.getWinner()

if w:


raise Exception(w + ' won!')

def getWinner (self):

#Get the winner on the current board.

lines = (

self.board, # columns

zip(*self.board), # rows

diagonalsPos(self.board, self.cols, self.rows), # positive diagonals

diagonalsNeg(self.board, self.cols, self.rows) # negative diagonals


for line in chain(*lines):

for color, group in groupby(line):

if color != NONE and len(list(group)) >=

return color

def printBoard (self):

#Print the board.

print(' '.join(map(str, range(self.cols))))

for y in range(self.rows):

print(' '.join(str(self.board[x][y]) for x in range(self.cols)))


if __name__ == '__main__':

g = Game()

turn = RED

while True:


row = input('{}\'s turn: '.format('Red' if turn == RED else 'Yellow'))

g.insert(int(row), turn)

turn = YELLOW if turn == RED else RED

Sample output :

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