
In: Nursing

How does the GABA-benzodiazepine (BZ) receptor systems contribute to panic attacks/disorders? Describe the areas of the...

  1. How does the GABA-benzodiazepine (BZ) receptor systems contribute to panic attacks/disorders?
  2. Describe the areas of the brain that are associated with social anxiety disorder.
  3. How is oxytocin associated with social anxiety disorder (SAD)?
  4. Discuss the role of neurotransmitters in the expression of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).  
  5. Explain the structural brain changes that occur in people with GAD.
  6. Describe the changes seen in the brain structure in patients with PTSD.
  7. Briefly discuss the role glucocorticoids may have on the development of PTSD.
  8. What is primary pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD?
  9. Describe the role the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) has in reinforcement of obsessive behaviors.


Expert Solution

Panic attacks and BZ repceptors relations:-
PANIC DISORDER is associate mental disorder characterised by spontaneous paroxysms of severe concern
it has a prevalence of I Chronicles to 2%and leads to substantial morbidityand accumulated mortality.

Pharmacologic and metabolic probes have disclosed that in
panic disorder there ar imbalance  of serotonergicnoradrenergic,GABAergic,and brain cholecystokinin haramones
function which there's sex hormone dysregulation in addition as accumulated sensitivity to the anxiety agitating effects of carbon dioxideand give suck.
Thus, anxiety disorder is also thanks to the excessive and inappropriate activation of biological process valuable alarm systems,

Note. :-

which may be the results of a failure of inhibition secondary to benzodiazepine–γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) pathology. we have a tendency to postulate that this can be central to anxiety disorder.
The proof for GABAergic involvement in anxiety disorder is that interference GABAA receptors with antagonists ends up in severe anxiety in man and in animals,
whereas increasing amino acid operate with agonists reduces anxiety.
Additionally, modulating amino acid effects with anxiolytic drug website ligands leads to anxiety modulation, so agonists (eg, alprazolam) ar panicolytic, whereas inverse agonists ar panicogenic.
Moreover, organic process or organic process alterations

Pharmacologic and metabolic probes have disclosed that in anxiety disorder there ar alterations of serotonergic noradrenergic, GABAergic,and brain cholecystokininfunction which there's sex hormone dysregulation in addition as accumulated sensitivity to the anxiety agitating effects of carbon dioxideand give suck.
Thus, anxiety disorder is also thanks to the excessive and inappropriate activation of biological process valuable alarm systems,
which may be the results of a failure of inhibition secondary to benzodiazepine–γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) pathology. we have a tendency to postulate that this can be central to anxiety disorder.
The proof for GABAergic involvement in anxiety disorder is that interference GABAA receptors with antagonists ends up in severe anxiety in man
whereas increasing amino acid operate with agonists reduces anxiety.Additionally, modulating amino acid effects with anxiolytic drug website ligands leads to anxiety modulation, so agonists (eg, alprazolam) ar panicolytic, whereas inverse agonists
, patients with anxiety disorder ar less sensitive to benzodiazepines on variety of psychophysiologic measures, like saccadic eye movements to focus on and suppression of the vasoconstrictor look rate.

Two attainable explanations
may account for this finding:
The first is that modified binding/function at the benzodiazepine-GABAA receptor alters the consequences of flumazenil so it behaves like associate inverse agonist. The second is that flumazenil blocks a reputed endogenous agonist
ns in receptor numbers or subtypes ar related to accumulated anxiety-like behaviors in animals.

, patients with anxiety disorder ar less sensitive to benzodiazepines on variety of psychophysiologic measures,

Social mental disorder and also the brain
A structure within the brain known as the amygdaloid nucleus play a job in dominant the concern response.
People who have associate active amygdaloid nucleus might have a heightened concern response, inflicting accumulated anxiety in social things please see given image below :-
Social Ansciety Disorder
SOCIAL mental disorder
Basal ganglia

OXYTOCIN connected WITH mental disorder
yes, the anxiety-reducing effects of endocrine, a neurochemical typically known as the “love hormone” for its ability to scale back stress and promote pro-social behaviors like trust, empathy, and openness to social risk.
Image for higher understanding
Association Osytocin with mental disorder
Newsons (Inhibit by oxytocin)
Brain Region
It is related to

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