
In: Computer Science

Find the largest subtree occurring in two or more places within a tree in c++ programing

Find the largest subtree occurring in two or more places within
a tree in c++ programing


Expert Solution

To find the largest subtree in two or more places within the tree, for this let us consider an tee:

         /      \
        10       60
       /  \     /   \
      5   20   70    70
               / \   / \
             65  80 65  80

from this tree, the largest subtree comparing the two tree is 60, in CPP, here the code:

#include <bits/stdc++.h> 
using namespace std; 

/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left 
child and a pointer to right child */
struct Node 
        int data; 
        Node* left, * right; 

/* Helper function that allocates a new node with 
the given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
Node* newNode(int data) 
        Node* node = new Node; 
        node->data = data; 
        node->left = node->right = NULL; 
        return (node); 

// Sets maxSize to size of largest subtree with 
// identical left and right. maxSize is set with 
// size of the maximum sized subtree. It returns 
// size of subtree rooted with current node. This 
// size is used to keep track of maximum size. 
int largestSubtreeUtil(Node* root, string& str, 
                                        int& maxSize, Node*& maxNode) 
        if (root == NULL) 
                return 0; 

        // string to store structure of left and 
        // right subtrees 
        string left = "", right = ""; 

        // traverse left subtree and finds its size 
        int ls = largestSubtreeUtil(root->left, left, 
                                                        maxSize, maxNode); 

        // traverse right subtree and finds its size 
        int rs = largestSubtreeUtil(root->right, right, 
                                                        maxSize, maxNode); 

        // if left and right subtrees are similar 
        // update maximum subtree if needed (Note that 
        // left subtree may have a bigger value than 
        // right and vice versa) 
        int size = ls + rs + 1; 
        if ( == 0) 
        if (size > maxSize) 
                        maxSize = size; 
                        maxNode = root; 

        // append left subtree data 

        // append current node data 

        // append right subtree data 

        return size; 

// function to find the largest subtree 
// having identical left and right subtree 
int largestSubtree(Node* node, Node*& maxNode) 
        int maxSize = 0; 
        string str = ""; 
        largestSubtreeUtil(node, str, maxSize, maxNode); 

        return maxSize; 

/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main() 
        /* Let us construct the following Tree 
                        /        \ 
                        10       60 
                        / \      / \ 
                        5 20 70 70 
                                / \ / \ 
                                65 80 65 80 */
        Node* root = newNode(50); 
        root->left = newNode(10); 
        root->right = newNode(60); 
        root->left->left = newNode(5); 
        root->left->right = newNode(20); 
        root->right->left = newNode(70); 
        root->right->left->left = newNode(65); 
        root->right->left->right = newNode(80); 
        root->right->right = newNode(70); 
        root->right->right->left = newNode(65); 
        root->right->right->right = newNode(80); 

        Node *maxNode = NULL; 
        int maxSize = largestSubtree(root, maxNode); 

        cout << "Largest Subtree is rooted at node "
                << maxNode->data << "\nand its size is "
                << maxSize; 

        return 0; 

Once the execute the program, the output will come:

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