
In: Computer Science

In C++: Write a binary search tree and include the functions to find the number of...

In C++:

Write a binary search tree and include the functions to find the number of nodes and the height of the tree. Test your code in main. Print the post-order, in-order and pre-order traversal.


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

class BST


int data;

BST *left, *right;



BST(int value)


data = value;

left = right = NULL;



BST* Insert(BST *root, int value)




return new BST(value);



if(value > root->data)


root->right = Insert(root->right, value);




root->left = Insert(root->left, value);


return root;


void Inorder(BST *root)







cout << root->data << " ";



void Preorder(BST *root)






cout << root->data << " ";




void Postorder(BST *root)








cout << root->data << " ";


int Count(BST *root)


if(root == NULL){

return 0;



return 1 + Count(root->left) + Count(root->right);




int main()


BST *root = NULL;

int value;

int choice;

BST bst;;


while (1)


cout<<"\n\n1.Insert Node"<<endl;

cout<<"2.Count Nodes"<<endl;

cout<<"3.Inorder Traversal"<<endl;

cout<<"4.Preorder Traversal"<<endl;

cout<<"5.Postorder Traversal"<<endl;


cout<<"Enter your choice : ";




case 1:

cout<<"\nEnter the number to be inserted : ";


root = bst.Insert(root, value);


case 2:

cout << "\nTotal no of nodes : " << bst.Count(root);


case 3:

cout<<"Inorder Traversal of BST:"<<endl;




case 4:

cout<<"Preorder Traversal of BST:"<<endl;




case 5:

cout<<"Postorder Traversal of BST:"<<endl;




case 6:



cout<<"Wrong choice"<<endl;




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