
In: Computer Science

There are at least five (probably more) places in the attached C# program code that could...

There are at least five (probably more) places in the attached C# program code that could be optimized. Find at least five things in the Program.cs file that can be changed to make the program as efficient as possible.

  1. List five problems you found with the code (Put your list either in comments within the code or in a separate Word or text document), and then optimize the code in the attached code below to make it as efficient as possible. The program output must not be affected by your changes. To the user it should still do everything it did before your changes provided the user enters valid data.

using System;

namespace COMS_340_L4A
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("How many doughnuts do you need for the first convention? ");
int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int total1);

Console.Write("How many doughnuts do you need for the second convention? ");
int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int total2);

int totalDonuts = Calculator.CalculateSum(new int[] { total1, total2 });

Console.WriteLine($"{ totalDonuts } doughnuts is { Calculator.ConvertToDozen(totalDonuts)} dozen.");
Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit...");

static class Calculator
static int DOZEN = 12;

public static int CalculateSum(int[] args)
int return_value = 0;
foreach (int i in args)
return_value += i;
return return_value;

public static int ConvertToDozen(int total)
int dozen = DOZEN;
return total / dozen;


Expert Solution

Made a few changes but still works the same, there is a slight improvement in the efficiency of the code

using System;

namespace COMS_340_L4A
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Write("How many doughnuts do you need for the first convention? ");
int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int total1);

Console.Write("How many doughnuts do you need for the second convention? ");
int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out int total2);

int totalDonuts = Calculator.CalculateSum(new int[] { total1, total2 });

Console.WriteLine($"{ totalDonuts } doughnuts is { Calculator.ConvertToDozen(totalDonuts)} dozen.");
//Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to quit...");
//Console.ReadLine(); commented these as the program will be terminated after completion
static class Calculator
{ //removed static int DOZEN=12;
public static int CalculateSum(int[] args)
int return_value = 0;
foreach (int i in args)
return_value += i;
return return_value;
public static int ConvertToDozen(int total)
    //removed int dozen=DOZEN;
return total / 12; 
//instead directly given the value as 12

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