
In: Computer Science

Given a string and a non-negative int n, we'll say that the front of the string...

Given a string and a non-negative int n, we'll say that the front of the string is the first 3 chars, or whatever is there if the string is less than length 3. Return n copies of the front;

frontTimes("Chocolate", 2) → "ChoCho"
frontTimes("Chocolate", 3) → "ChoChoCho"
frontTimes("Abc", 3) → "AbcAbcAbc"

Must work the following problem using a while loop or do while.


Expert Solution

public class StringTimesTest {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(frontTimes("Chocolate", 2) );
System.out.println(frontTimes("Chocolate", 3) );
System.out.println(frontTimes("Abc", 3) );
   public static String stringTimes(String s, int n){
       String returnString = "";
       int i=0;
           returnString = returnString + s;
       return returnString;
   public static String frontTimes(String s, int n){
           return stringTimes(s, n);
           return stringTimes(s.substring(0,3), n);




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