
In: Computer Science

C++ Write a program that has two functions. The 1st function is the main function. The...


Write a program that has two functions.

The 1st function is the main function. The main function should prompt the user for three inputs: number 1, number 2, and an operator.

The main function should call a 2nd function called calculate. The 2nd function should offer the choices of calculating addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Use a switch statement to evaluate the operator, then choose the appropriate calculation and return the result to the main function.


Expert Solution

CODE: C++ Programming Language

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int calculate(int, int, char); // Function Prototype
// Main function
int main(){
   // Declaring required variables
   int num1, num2;
   char optr;
   cout << "Enter number1: "; // Prompt the user for number 1
   cin >> num1;
   cout << "Enter number2: "; // Prompt the user for number 2
   cin >> num2;
   cout << "Enter operator: "; // Prompt the user for Operator (+, -, *, /)
   cin >> optr;
   int result = calculate(num1, num2, optr); // Calling the calculate function
   cout << result;
   return 0;
// Second function Calculate
int calculate(int num1, int num2, char optr){
   // Switch statment to evaluate operator
       case '+':
           return num1 + num2;
       case '-':
           return num1 - num2;
       case '*':
           return num1 * num2;
       case '/':
           return num1 / num2;





Thank you. Please ask me if you have any doubt.

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