
In: Computer Science

Can you create a player vs computer Hangman game on MATLAB using nested loops, for loops,...

Can you create a player vs computer Hangman game on MATLAB using nested loops, for loops, if loops, while loops, arrays and conditional execution, as well as creating an image of the game board. The list below must be considered in the code.

- Selecting a word from a dictionary (a text file)

- Reading a single letter from the user

- Building a character array showing the letters matched so far

- Keeping count of the number of guessed letters so far

- Keeping count of the number of guesses so far

- Writing conditional logic to see whether the game is finished or not.


Expert Solution

Note: Done accordingly. Please comment for any problem. Please Uprate. Thanks.

Download dctionary:


% set linenum to the desired line number that you want to import
linenum = randi(370103);
% use '%s' if you want to read in the entire line or use '%f' if you want to read only the first numeric value
word = textscan(fid,'%s',1,'delimiter','\n', 'HeaderLines',linenum-1);
len = strlength(B);
while true
c=input('Please guess next character :','s');
if ismember(c,guessedIncorrectly) || ismember(c,guessedCorrectly)
disp("Already Given earlier")
if ismember(c,B)
for i=[1:len]
if B(i)==c
guessedIncorrectly=[guessedIncorrectly c];
disp(["Incorrect Guesses :",guessedIncorrectly]);
if ismember('_',guessedCorrectly)
fprintf("Total guesses :%d\n",(countCorrect+countInCorrect))
fprintf("Total guessed correctly :%d\n",countCorrect)
fprintf("Total guessed incorrectly :%d\n",countInCorrect)


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