
In: Operations Management

Do smart or flexible working practices improve employee relationships or create conflict? Give examples.

Do smart or flexible working practices improve employee relationships or create conflict? Give examples.


Expert Solution

Positive Employee relationships will help to enhance the employees and spark their innovative thinking. Let’s see what all are the factors which may help for improving Employee relationship.

1. Give Decision making authority

A true leader wants to create more Leaders Under his leadership. So that many young leaders can be created and developed for the business success. Also its important to have give them free access in decision making process. Tell them the DO’S and DONT’S and make them strong in decision making. So that they will get experience in decision making and help them in any bottleneck beyond their hand .Also open communication with employees will enable the good relationship with employees

2. Give more channels in Training and development

For every employee it’s very important to give the training in business areas and HR policies and cyber security, finance, Business conduct guideline. So that employee will gain over all idea of any organization which he is working for. Give detailed training on each area and get quick feedback from them.

3. Score for the work

It’s like a game…Give score for the task assigned and also clearly explain the score validation process. This will motivate the employees to score good in the task .This will help to grow the business along good relationship with employees

4. Rewards and recognitions

Salary hike alone will not satisfy the employees. Of course company can give some kind of rewards like coupons, certificates, An appreciation letter, awards .These will make employees motivated, satisfied .This will help to improve the employee relationship.

5.Give work life balance

Every employee not only works for money. Some employees concentrate more personal life as well.So its important to give work-Life balance to create good relationship with the employees.Exmaple:) offering one day work from home in a week or biweekly or monthly once..This will encourage employees to perform will and that will give good results in business goals along with good relationship.

6. Resolving the HR issues

Not every time employees are wrong. some times their supervisor also hesitate them by doesn’t approving his off, not giving space for relax for even a minutes,Always finding a reason to scold him this will create Negative impact on the employee performances. So its important to have clear policies and procedures to avoid these kind of problem. Once this problem will be solved using effective methods employee relationship definitely will improve

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