
In: Nursing

Nutrition ·       Which nutrients if deficient may cause Beriberi, Ariboflavinosis, Pellagra, and Scurvy? Which deficiency is...


·       Which nutrients if deficient may cause Beriberi, Ariboflavinosis, Pellagra, and Scurvy? Which deficiency is also known as the “4 D’s” and what are the symptoms?       

·       Primary function of B vitamins (coenzymes)

·       Water soluble vitamins on which to focus:

§ Niacin (may also be derived from which specific amino acid?; which other B vitamin is necessary for this conversion?; also used as a supplement for high cholesterol)

§ B-6 (why is B-6 more likely to be toxic if overconsumed?)

§ B-12 (what is required for B-12 to be absorbed and where is it produced?; what is pernicious anemia and how is it treated?

§ Folate (what is the relationship to neural tube defects?; how can an anemia of folate deficiency be caused by B-12?)

·       What are the main functions of Vitamin C? What are signs/symptoms of a Vit C deficiency?

Chapter 11

·       Why are fat soluble vitamins more likely to cause toxicity and less likely to induce a deficiency than water soluble vitamins? Through which circulatory system do they travel?

·       Vit A (retinoid): 3 active forms; main function (vision); most common Vit A deficiency symptom? food sources of pre-formed vitamin A and provitamin A (beta-carotene)? What is the major effect of consuming large amounts of beta-carotene from food sources?

·       Vit D (calciferol); common sources (foods and sunlight); what two organs play a role in activating Vit D (by adding hydroxyl groups); main function (bone growth and maintenance); deficiency condition in children and adults

·       Vit E (tocopherol): main function (antioxidant)

·       Vit K: main function is in blood clotting; source of Vit K other than food (intestinal bacteria); why is a newborn given a dose of Vit K?


Expert Solution

PBeriberi is caused by vitamin B1 deficiency also known as thiamine. It is of 2types wet beriberi and dry beriberi.

Ariboflavinosis is caused by deficiency of viamin B2 or riboflavin.

Pellagra is caused by deficiency of vitamin B3 also known as niacin.

Scurvy is caused by deficiency of viamin C

Pellagra caused by deficiency of B3 is characterised by 4 Ds. The 4 Ds implies the symptoms of dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia and death.

Vitamin B complex helps in metabolism thus providing energy to body, nervous system formation and blood vessel work

Niacin can be produced by triptophan during time of deficiency. Triptophan conversion to niacin requires riboflavin and B6.

Vitamin B6 is not completely water soluble and thus can lead to toxic neurolgical symptoms like sensory neuropathy.

B12 absorption requires presence of intrinsic factor produced by gastric parietal cells. Pernicious anemia is a type of B12 deficiency due to absence of intrinsic factor reqired for absorption of B12. This leads to improper production of RBC. Symptoms include fatigue,SOB, pale skin, numbness of hand and feel, decreased reflexes and confusion. Treatment includes B12 injection given intra muscularly or B12 oral pills.

Folate helps in cell division and maintainance of DNA and RNA. Thus folate deficiency in pregnant women cause fetal neural tube defects.

Vitamin C helps in bone growth and tissue repair. It helps to maintain cartilage, teeth and bones. It helps in wound healing and scar formation. It helps in formation of collagen.

Vitamin C deficiency leads to delayed wound healing, swollen and bleeding gums, gingivitis, swollen and painful joints, dry red spots on skin, dry rough and scaly skin and nails, brittle hair.

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